Band exercises for arms and shoulders

4 years ago

Band exercises for arms and shoulders

Today we are going to put together a triple tri-set of arm and shoulder band exercises. The reason I decided to do it this way is that the shoulder and tricep muscles are comprised of three heads.

Now the biceps only have two heads, but the Brachialis which is on the outer arm in between the biceps and triceps contributes to the overall size of the arm and creates separation between the two muscles improving your arm aesthetic. So I added it to the biceps to make the last group of three. Each tri-set will emphasize one head of each group and once we have completed all three tri-sets we’ll have worked every part of each muscle.

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The first exercise I chose was the neutral grip shoulder press. This is for the anterior delt. Now hits the lateral as well and because it is a compound exercise it works the triceps, traps and the Serratus anterior. A front raise would better isolate the anterior delt, but I have a slight shoulder injury right now and that movement causes me some discomfort.

An arm extended front curl is next. When you do an arm curl with your arms extended in front of you it hits the short head of the bicep much like a preacher curl or spider curl. When this exercise is done with a band you will have a tendency to pull with your back. So to counteract that, curl with your hands high aiming for the top of your head.

For this exercise I like to have the bands set up about waist height wrapping them around a doorknob works perfectly. My bands have a protective cloth covering on them, but if you have the more traditional type tubing you might want to put a cloth between the door and the tubing to protect it from the door edges.

From here we move to the overhead tricep Extension because the long head of the tricep crosses over the shoulder joint this works it in the stretched position. The long head is the largest of the tricep heads and contributes the most to your overall arm size.

That completes the first tri-set. I target 20 reps for each movement. With no rest between groups. We start the next one with band pull aparts for our rear delts. Pull aparts is just one of those exercises that just feels good to do. If a single band doesn’t provide enough tension you can easily double or triple up the band to get it just right.

Now we are going to do curls, with our arm extended behind our back to work the long head of the bicep. The one that gives our arms that nice peak. This movement also gives a good stretch in the bicep.

For our triceps, I picked palms up tricep Extensions. The goal is to hit the medial head of the tricep. You can’t really work the medial head separate from the lateral head. So I’m going by feel on this one as I feel it more on the inside of my arm where the medial head attaches and if you pull your arm back behind your body once you’ve fully extended your arm you’ll get a full contraction in the long head. Making it so you have now worked that head in both the stretched and contracted position.

This moves us into the final three exercises making for a total of nine. You do these, one after the other with no rest in between and you repeat the tri-sets three times targeting 20 reps.

You’ll know you have the correct resistance if on the last round you have trouble or even fall short on being able to complete the 20 reps on each exercise.

Lateral raises kick off this tri-set. I do these thumbs-ups as it is easier on my shoulder, but in order to hit the lateral delt when doing this exercise, I have to lean forward a bit. Because if you do it standing straight it will hit your medial delts which already gets a ton of work with your pushing exercises. If you do lateral raises with a band anchored to something lower and in front of you then standing straight will work as the line of the bands lines up naturally with the lateral delts.

Next up is reverse grip curls. We hit a bonus muscle with this exercise as not only does it hit the brachialis but it also hits the brachioradialis which is more of a forearm muscle.

Palms down tricep Extensions emphasize the lateral head of the triceps which is needed in order to achieve that complete horseshoe shape of the triceps.

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