How to get big arms at home

4 years ago

How to get big arms at home

Today we are going to talk about how to build our arms at home. And I am going to get right into it with my favorite bodyweight exercise for the triceps

The close grip or U push up is different than the diamond push-up as it doesn’t put as much stress on our shoulder. All you have to do to switch from a diamond push up to a close grip is open up your hand position from the diamond shape into a U shape which externally rotates the shoulder and moves the elbows tight to your side minimizing any shoulder discomfort.

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This is a compound exercise that puts greater emphasis on the triceps than a traditional push-up although the chest is still actively working.

The close grip dumbbell press is another exercise that is very similar to the U press in that it works the triceps more than a traditional bench press taking some of the load off the chest and putting it on the triceps.

Since we are talking about bodyweight exercises let’s look at the best bodyweight exercise for the biceps this has to be close grip chin-ups. Both chin-ups and pull-ups work the arms but in very different ways. To most effectively target the arms they both need to be done with a narrow grip as the wider apart your arms become the more the lats get involved.

When you're doing chin-ups you have a supinated grip with your palm facing you this makes it so you are hitting the long and short head of the bicep. With pull-ups you have a pronated grip with your palm turned away from you. This changes the arm focus from the biceps to the brachialis which is a muscle underneath the biceps and when this muscle grows it pushes up your bicep increasing your overall arm size. Another arm muscle that close-grip pull-ups hit is the brachioradialis which is a forearm muscle that crosses over the elbow joint. Different exercise that works the same arm muscles is reverse grip curls.

The last compound exercise I want to talk about before moving into isolation exercises is dips. This is an exercise I love to do for my chest, but in order to effectively hit your chest, you need to be in a forward-leaning position. To switch the emphasis from your chest to the triceps you simply straighten up your body making it more vertical.

When it comes to doing tricep isolation work the two most important ways to work them are in the contracted position and the stretched position. For the stretched position I like to do incline dumbbell French press. You could do a standing Dumbbell triceps extension, but that is one I avoid because of my bad shoulder. If you are using bands then the overhead band tricep Extension fits into this category.

To work our triceps in the fully contracted position we have to bring our arm back behind our body. Bands to an excellent job of this when doing a band pulldown. With dumbbells, our best option is tricep kickbacks. I used to not like this exercise but once I started to extend my elbow up behind my back while doing them, the crazy tricep pump started happening.

We already talked about how having our palms facing us when we curl hits the biceps more than when we have them in a pronated grip. The last grip to look at is a neutral grip which we would use when doing a hammer curl this puts more emphasis on the long head of the biceps which helps with the bicep peak while also engaging the brachialis and to a lesser degree the brachioradialis.

Whether we have our arms positioned more in front of our body or behind are body effects which head of the bicep we are working. When our arms are in front like when we are doing a seated resistance band preacher curl this place the resistance more onto the short head of the bicep.

Another exercise where the short head is emphasized is the spider curl. This has been a favorite mine for a while and one tip I have to make it more effective is when you are curling the dumbbells curl them up and towards your forehead. This movement contracts the bicep more. In addition to this, move your hand so it is tight to the outside weight on the dumbbell then turn your wrists so the inside of the dumbbell is up higher than the outside to fully target the short head.

Having our arms behind us like in an incline curl targets the long head more and works our bicep in the stretched position.

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