Russian federation compromised? Will the President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin fix this?

1 year ago

Is the Russian federation seriously compromised? Can anyone trust Russia? Will the President fix this? We have been in Moscow for a month and non stop police corruption crimes and requests for classified weapons of mass destruction technologies, without authorisation from the ministry of defence General Sergei Shoigu or General Valery Gerasimov who the President has assigned to handle this, time will tell or will we be forced to return to australia where our 4 children were kidnapped 7th November 2022 raped tortured injected 43 times with biological weapons to compel father to give NATO classified weapons of mass destruction technologies? Now in Russia for a month and everyone in Moscow police, Academy of the General Staff, fsb, all continually asking for classified information and expecting me to break the law, Australian defence trades and controls act 2012, we have asked for citizenship for our 4 children and a real attempt to save them, and officially authorised by the heads of defence, infact the defence department is the only ones who are doing it correctly and waiting for the top people General Sergei Shoigu or General Valery Gerasimov to make the decision, will international law be followed in the Russian Federation? Will criminals be held accountable in Australia and the Russian Federation? Time will tell However if accommodation and food isn't provided we have no choice we will have to return to australia and give nato the technologies they requested before during and after kidnapping our 4 children who they now want to transition our 4 boys into girls and cut there penis's off... which we will not let happen, so either the defence ministry at the top and the President fix this and act lawfully or they will have to take responsibility, LaKasha protocols were activated it is possible others will reveal the information to india and China before anyone else gets the technologies... mean while our newborn is now a year old and our 2 3 4 year olds are 3 4 5, and haven't seen anyone they know for over 9 months

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