LockDown Scare ::: Stand Up or it's going to be MUCH worse, this time!!!

1 year ago

Either way, it's going to be bad, but much worse if we do not.
Like I stated in a video description, yesterday, "IT'S TIME!", you must now make a choice, NOW. This is exactly WHY Messiah gave us the blessing of Revelations.
Much martyrdom! Read Mat.24.
We are not to fear death, only God and not evil ones who can only kill us in body. Body+Spirt = Soul. When dead, we sleep, as before born, awaiting a resurrection. One of two. Those already raptured and the firstfruits are the only exceptions. .. although, it could be children, also. Have you not heard it said, "A mere child shall lead them"? HalleluYAH! Praise you YAH!

JeremIAH, Mt.MorIAH, MessIAH, HalleluYAH!

Acts 4:12
John 5:43
Romans 10:13
2 Chronicles 7:14


Ahijah – 1 Kings 11:29 AhiYAH

Jehu – 1 Kings 16:7 YAHu

Elijah – 1 Kings 18:22 EliYAH

Shemiah – 2 Chronicles 12:5 ShemYAH

Azariah – 2 Chronicles 15:8 AzarYAH

Jeremiah – 2 Chronicles 36:12 JeremYAH

Uriah – Jeremiah 26:20 UrYAH

Hananiah – Jeremiah 28:1 HananYAH

Obadiah – Obadiah 1:1 ObadYAH

Zephaniah – Zephaniah 1:1 ZephanYAH

Zechariah – Zechariah 1:1 ZecharYAH

Our Messiah's name is ( literally ) "SALVATION"!
#HaShemKadosh #TheHolyName #Messiah 
( No 'J' in Hebrew = 'Y' )

Acts 4:12
John 5:43
Romans 10:13
2Chronicles 7:14

The 'yod and waw (or vav) are more often vowels than they are consonants.
 The letters that do this in Hebrew are aleph א‎, he ה‎, waw ו‎ and yod י‎.


The oldest known inscription of the Tetragrammaton dates to 840 BCE: the Mesha Stele mentions the Israelite god Yahweh.[18]

ו‎ Waw [w], or placeholder for "O"/"U" vowel

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