Unhealthy “Health” Foods You Should Avoid Over 50 (Watch Out For These)

3 years ago

Unhealthy “health” foods you should avoid over 50

Today we are going to talk about unhealthy health foods. Sometimes these are obvious, like just about anything down the organic or gluten-free aisle of the grocery store.

Other times there is some truth to their claim, but there’s an ingredient in the food that we aren’t aware of, or it’s a food that’s good for us if it’s part of a balanced diet, but when over consumed it has a detrimental effect on our health.

The first one I want to talk about is juicing. This is when we take fresh fruits and vegetables and separate the liquid from the solids. Removing all the pulp or fibre and just leaving the juice.

Most people don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables, so this might seem like the way to go because we get a concentrated amount of the vitamins and nutrients found in them.

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We also get the concentrated amount of sugar found in fruit, and in some cases, this could be as much sugar as we would get from drinking regular soda pop.

When we remove the fibre, we also remove some of the benefits of fruits and vegetables like improved digestion, lower risk of heart disease and blood sugar control.

That last one is a real double whammy because when we juice, we end up with a more easily digested sugar, which can cause a spike in our blood sugar. This is especially concerning to anyone in the fit and 50 crew who is diabetic or pre-diabetic.

They found after analyzing cohort studies that adding 10 grams of fibre a day to someone’s diet who’s under consuming fibre lowers their risk of having a coronary event by 14 % and risk of coronary death by 27 %. The odds of getting heart disease over 50 are relatively high. So deliberately taking the fibre out of our food doesn’t make sense.

There is one more thing that goes when we take the fibre out of fruit and vegetables. That’s antioxidants. These are naturally bound to fibre and can slow or even prevent damage caused to cells by free radicals.

People also use juicing for weight loss. Which is an awful idea. 1; you are consuming liquid calories. Not very satiating. 2 it’s not a balanced diet. Where are your protein and fats coming from?
3; you’re not even getting all the goodness from fruits and vegetables because you’re stripping away half of it and throwing it into the garbage.

We’re better off eating whole fruits and vegetables. But if you must, you can blend them up like in a smoothie keeping the fibre.

Now let’s see if we can settle the debate which is healthier margarine or butter.

I can remember when I was a kid, and we would skim off the cream from the top of the milk. We had farm milk, so we did that regularly, and mom would put it in a mason jar for us to shake until it turned into butter.

I have fond memories of spreading it on fresh homemade bread. But memories set aside butter is essentially concentrated dairy fat.

Margarine is a highly processed food product made from vegetable oil and sold as a heart-healthy alternative to butter. But is it?

Vegetable oil is a liquid, and to use it in margarine, it needs to be hard at room temperature. They used a process called hydrogenation which turns some of the unsaturated fats in vegetable oil into saturated fats. With trans fats being formed as well.

Trans fats are, in reality, the only actual bad fat.

Trans fats are being used less and less in foods all the time and have just about been eliminated. Makers of margarine are turning to a new process called interesterification intra- ster-i-fi-cation.

Current studies indicate it has many of the same negative effects on our body as hydrogenated oils and trans fats.

More concerning to me is we don’t even know how much is in our food as food companies aren’t required to show interesterified intra- ster-i-fied oils on food labels. And because of this, margarine, despite its heart-healthy claims, makes my unhealthy list.

The healthy Granola Bar I used in this video was a Core Bar Cashew Chip


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