High Mileage CAR LEASE DEALS - Are they a good idea???

3 years ago

In this one we examine high mileage car lease deals - are they really worth it? are they a good idea?
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When you decide whether to buy or lease a car (on a personal contract hire PCH) is it important to make sure you're getting the best value possible. So if you're a high mileage driver should you lease a car on a high mileage deal? is leasing a bad idea if you do lots of miles each year or can it be cheaper than you think? Are you better off buying a car if you do high mileage or should you still be thinking about car leasing deals?

We search for the answers in this video, please join in and leave some comments. I was surprised by just how good some of the deals were, especially on that little fiesta where the Seat Leon lease deal seemed like poor value compares to the Audi A6.

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