Turmeric Juice Extraction Rather Than a Dry Pill is More Powerful - Ep. 134 Clip

1 year ago

Episode 134 The Gordon and Cherise Show - https://gordonandcherise.com/the-costa-rican-doctors-connection-part-i/

Join us as we chat with some very special guests and friends - Dr. Eduardo Villalobos & Dr. Marcia Siles Gonzalez. Watch the Full Podcast Episode 134

Get the compound Here - www.turmericgut.com

Turmeric is a potent anti-inflammatory, highly anti-carcinogenic, improves digestion, really effective against constipation without causing diarrhea, and controls blood sugar levels in a natural way.

Become Part of the Healing Journey. Despite dealing with the horrors of chronic pain for the past 29 years, Gordon & Cherise candidly share their experiences with what it takes to overcome impossible odds when your painful afflictions seem insurmountable. This podcast is raw and real and contains practical insights and hope for the millions of people around the world who are suffering. Isn't it time to become part of transformational change?

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