The American justice system should be protecting the American people from CCP

1 year ago

08/17/2023 Nicole on The John Fredericks Show: If there's a pattern that people that are anti-CCP have been targeted. I think that raises an important question: Should the American justice system protect the American people from our greatest enemy, the Chinese Communist Party? I believe Miles Guo is a hero to the American people.
08/17/2023 妮可做客The John Fredericks Show:如果形成了一种模式,即反共的人都成了被调查的对象。那么,我认为这引出了一个重要的问题:美国的司法系统是否应该保护美国人民免受我们最大的敌人,也就是中共的迫害?我认为郭文贵先生是美国人民的英雄。

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