Aila: Major cities are the primary locations for CCP espionage activities

1 year ago

08/16/2023 Aila on ‘Battlefront: Frontline with Dustin Faulkner’: The major cities in the United States are always popular targets of the CCP’s espionage activities. They had set up their embassies, bank branches and Confucius Institutes in these cities. We were glad that the United States government had taken actions against the police stations that were set by the CCP in lower Manhattan, but there are more espionage activities that we need to be paying attention to, especially within the US military.
08/16/2023 小飞象做客《战场前线:与达斯汀·福克纳战斗在前线》节目:美国的主要城市一直都是中共间谍活动的热门目标。他们在这些城市设立了大使馆、银行分支机构和孔子学院。我们很高兴美国政府对中共在曼哈顿下城设立的警察局采取了行动,但是还有更多的中共间谍活动需要我们关注,特别是在美国军队内部。

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