Which Route Works Best for High Dosage Melatonin: Transdermal or Oral?

1 year ago

This is possibly the only study ever done on what is the best way to get high doses of Melatonin into your system. While this subject is controversial for many, this study sheds light on why the transdermal route of delivery is superior to any other route.

Here are the links to this study:

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#High Dosage of Melatonin
#Best way to take Melatonin
#Melatonin best absorption
#Melatonin absorption study
#Melatonin for Health

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Melatonin 300 mg Transdermal Patches:
(this is a special production and you cannot buy this anywhere else, only here!)

Melatonin 300 mg Suppositories
(very hard to get, they have some at amazon for almost double the price).

Glutathione Suppositories
effective like Glutathione infusions because it does not pass the digestive tract.
(very hard to get anywhere).

NMN Suppositories
(very hard to get, we know of one place where it us almost double the price).

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Anti Aging with Melatonin, NMN and more...

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