Wishing your enemies well? Yuck! | Monday Minutes Ep14 | Know and Grow

1 year ago

It’s human nature to wish malice on our enemies. But we don’t have a human nature – we’ve been transformed from death to life, from darkness to light. We’ve been given a new nature. The old man is dead. Or, supposed to be dead! When it comes to wishing evil on our enemies and those who have wronged us, maybe we need to employ our new nature instead of giving artificial resuscitation to our old nature. It’s hard, but just imagine how wonderful it would be if nasty, rotten, unfaithful, corrupt (and you know who I’m talking about!) people actually got saved and had their lives turned around. Let’s wish the best, not the worst, on our enemies and on those who have wronged us.

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Have a “bless your enemy” day!

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