Prophet Julie Green - The Solution and the Answer to the Chaos in the World Today - 2 - Notes & CC

1 year ago

Good morning, everybody! Today is... well, let's see... it's Wednesday, July 26th of 2023, and I'm doing a part two of the teaching I did yesterday about blessing and favor. Now, there's going to be more parts to this, but I wanted to at least give you a greater foundation yesterday. Today I'm gonna go back with prophecy, and then next week, I might even expound upon this teaching a little bit more for you because I am pre-recording these videos for you already for next week while I am gone out of town with my family at a Bible convention.

Now, to explain something, I want to get before you guys get it next week. They're going to be out of order a little bit because the Lord really had me in my heart with doing these teachings. I already had a pre-record for Monday, and so you'll notice next week Tuesday and Wednesday, there's going to be prophecies that the dates will be after or before, excuse me, the one on Monday if that makes any sense.

So, Monday I already had pre-recorded because I had all these prophecies set in line. Because I'm actually changing the way I'm pre-recording this time, so you guys can actually see me live all this week and not just pre-recorded videos. So I wanted to do it something differently, I felt in my spirit was the right thing to do. So while I was doing that, well, plans changed, and so you will see next week there will be the prophecies, but I will apologize because for the first time ever, they will be out of order for just a couple of them. It's not a big deal, it's still powerful, it's still what God wants, but I just want to let you know that ahead of time that next week you will see these prophecies and a couple will be out of order just because I'm doing these today.

And, again, you'll see me all next week even though I won't technically be here, but I am pre-recording and setting up all of these to release every morning at the same time that you are used to.

Now also, if you missed that live show with Marty Grisham & Loud Mouth Prayer yesterday at 11 o'clock, it was amazing and another powerful revelation of the authority and the power of prayer and what you, as a child of God, have on the inside of you. And this is not something that you take lightly, this is something you just dig deep down in about the authority of Almighty God and who you are with Him.

And then I also did another show yesterday, but it was just pre-recorded. I now have the link, it's in the description box for you, and on Facebook, if it's not, I'll make sure all the team shares this link. I did a show with Clay Clark, General Flynn, and there was Aaron Antis and also Andrew Sorcini. It was a powerful, and I mean powerful, and awesome show. It's about an hour long, it's talking about what the world elites are trying to do. They are trying to get rid of our elections. That's just one little snippet that I'm gonna give to you, one little key of, "Hey, you need to go watch that." Go and watch that little hint, go and watch that live stream, or it was a live stream, excuse me, it was pre-recorded, but go watch it, it is now uploaded on Rumble. Again, I have it in the description box here, and the team will share it out on through all of the social media sites. It was a powerful show that everybody needs to see, not just because I'm on it, please don't think that way. I want you to see it because the information that was on that show was so damning against our enemies and what they're doing in this seriousness of this time, the seriousness of what BRICS is doing, B-R-I-C-S, what BRICS is doing, they're trying to get rid and destroy our dollar, they're trying to destroy our country, and how they're doing it is they're also destroying our way of our currency in this country. And that's one reason why we were a superpower all over this world was because of our dollar was used all over the world. And so now they're trying to get rid of it. This is the seriousness of this time, but at the same time, God's been telling us. I'm not saying this to do you know, go doom and gloom on you, and you'll see it if you watch that show. There was no me, you know, I was not getting doom and gloom, I was out there just like I am right now, encouraging people on what God is going to do and what man can't do, but what God can do. So I really want you guys to watch that because of power, and I just it was so enjoyable to be on with that group of guys.

Um, and just how God's bringing so many people together and waking them up, okay? There are so many prophecies being fulfilled in this day, but in the teaching that I gave you yesterday about blessing and favor, I'm gonna go and expound upon more about the favor of God. Not many people have ever heard of this teaching, okay? Some people have heard about the blessing of God, but not in the way that you heard it yesterday. So I will get back into more of teaching the blessing of Almighty God. If you guys missed that live show yesterday, go back and watch it, okay? Because I'm gonna just go over a little bit, but not very much. I've got too many new things that I have to give to you today, and I'm still probably not going to get to all of what I wanted to today because the time frame, so I'm gonna do the best I can to build this foundation in your heart that even though you have people, again, it's important to hear what that show had with General Flynn and I and Clay Clark and those guys. It's really important for you to hear that even though it's bad news, even though it looks, uh, petrifying to some people, it'll look, it'll look scary, but you have to put that "but God." Now we are giving you solutions to all of this chaos in this world. There are things that God has already given to us. He knows the end from the beginning. There is nothing new under the sun, and so no matter what these people think, truly think they are going to do by destroying our elections, by destroying democracy, or how they're just trying to destroy our capitalism, they're trying to destroy our country in every way, they're trying to destroy our freedoms, they're trying to destroy this country because if they can get this country, this is the last piece to the New World Order or their great reset. And that is a reason why the body of Christ has to know the authority that they have in Jesus Christ. The authority that God has given to them through that name that's above every name.

You are important right now to bringing down these globalists and the world elites. You can say, "Well, Julie, what do we have?" You have the most powerful weapon in the universe, and it is that name. You have a blood covenant with God Almighty. He's given you the blessing, which I told you yesterday was an empowerment on your life, for you to succeed, to excel, to increase, and to rise above all which will try to keep you back and to hold you down.

Again, I'm going to say that again: the blessing of God is an empowerment for you to prosper, to succeed, to excel, to increase, and to rise above all which will try to keep you back and hold you down. You have to know what's going on. There was a question that Clay had actually had me ask. He asked me and he had me answer this: why is it so important to know these things, but what's a solution to it? And that is the word of Almighty God. Remember, the word of God is a weapon, and it is so massively damaging to our enemy. That's the reason why God is wanting you to get into His word, to see what He is saying about it, to see what He has. He's got a solution to every single problem. And again, that is a blessing, that is God's favor, that is, of course, the name above every name, that is a blood covenant. And the more you know, remember, the truth will set you free. So the more you know, God is empowering you, God is giving you this enlightenment to strengthen you. So when these things come, because they will, he said they would, when these things come and when they try to destroy this country, to try to destroy our dollar, to try to destroy this world economy, they're trying to do all these things, God's saying, "Hey, there is a solution. It's Me! I am not going to let them go as far as they want to go." So you have to know what they're doing in order to shout against them, in order to do those decrees, the declarations, those words that God is giving to us, those marching orders that God is giving to us. God is giving you the keys and solutions to fighting these people, and He's giving you the key to victory. So instead of being overwhelmed, God is saying, "Hey, I am giving you a heads up, and this is what you need to do about it."

So I'm going to get more into the favor of God, and like I said, I'm not going to get even into all of it, but I will tell you who the best teacher is on the favor of God. And this is who I learned from, this is who saved me from very dark, dark days in my life. His name is Jerry Savelle, and he was teaching on the favor of God. God gave him the revelation of the favor of God, and I'm telling you, when I started listening to this many years, probably 10, 13, 14 years ago, this started changing my life and how I started seeing certain things. But again, you have to remind yourself and keep these cells down on the inside of you to remind yourself, because you can get these revelations and then you can forget about them. So I'm going to teach you something that he has been teaching for a long time. He's a way better teacher on this than I am because he obviously is the one who had the revelation that God gave it to him. I've just been studying and studying him and studying God's word on favor and what he said. So again, he had these teachings, but I went over it, started writing all these scriptures down, started studying it and getting it on the inside of me. And that is exactly what I want you to do. I don't want you to take my word for it. I say this all the time, it's like a broken record: get into the word of God. When you see these scriptures, you write them down, you read those scriptures, you just enjoy the time with Almighty God in the scriptures because He will reveal Himself more to you, He will enlighten you, He will give you that anointing, He will give you that joy that you're looking for in the time of so much sorrow. And God says, "I'm going to turn their mourning into joy unspeakable." So God will turn things around. But how do you turn things around? You have to get into the word of God. And God says, "With the joy of the Lord is our strength." If you don't have the strength, you're not going to fight in adversity.

So I'm going to give you more things on the favor of God. Now this is a prayer, this was a prophet Habakkuk, or Habakkuk, however you want to pronounce his name. Okay, I want you to start in Habakkuk 1:5, or Habakkuk 1:5... Now again, I am not a scholar and I don't know how to pronounce certain names, so I'm just going to pronounce it how it looks like it sounds. So all right, this is going to be the first scripture that I'm going to teach on today. And so when you see this time that Habakkuk was in, or Habakkah was in, it was a time of... They were in and experiencing the world was... There was so much injustice going on, there was so much of the battling system at that time was so out of control, there was injustice, there was... The world was on the edge of disaster, it seemed like. Now again, I'm going to read these things. The evil was thriving right in the open. Does that sound familiar to you? Remember, there's nothing new under the sun. Okay, there's nothing our enemy has the same plan. It might be called the same, and he might use different people. I say this a lot because it is, there's nothing new under the sun. So in the time of Habakkuk, there was, again, they were experiencing an injustice from the Babylonian Empire. They, the world was on the edge of disaster, and evil was thriving right out in the open. That is what we are experiencing now. There was a prophet in the land, and this is what the prophet was saying and how he prayed and what God replied and what God said to him.

Habakkuk, and um, you know what? I was going to start with verse five, and I want you guys to start in Habakkuk 1:1. Now listen to this: "The burden which the prophet Habakkuk saw." So he was seeing the burden of the evil that was going on in the world and what it was doing to God's people. He saw it. We can all see the burden of what the oppressors are doing to all the entire world. The evil is running so rampant all over the world, and it seems like it's out of control. Same thing happened in this day...

The prophet's question: So God, the prophet Habakkuk, was questioning God. This was his question: "Oh Lord, how long shall I cry, and you will not hear? And will you not save?" He's asking, "Will you hear? Will you save?" How many people right now are asking God, "Do you hear? God, will you save? God, do you see what's going on in the world today?"

So then he says, verse 3, Habakkuk 1:3, and it says, "Why do you show me iniquity and cause me to trouble? For plundering and violence are before me." Plundering and violence, so stealing is going on. You could say plundering is going on. Then he says, "And violence are before me. There is strife, and contention arises." This sounds like what we're going through right now. And people think, "This is so... This is just like... Never happened before, and this is just new to God for some reason, and God's just not gonna do anything about it." But look what he says.

Verse 4, "Therefore the law is powerless. There's injustice because there's law in the land, but the evil is running rampant. There's so much injustice. There's no... There's no law. They're not upholding the law. So the law is not protecting the people." Again, does it sound familiar? Our laws are not protecting us right now. It seems like.

So, therefore, the law is powerless, and justice never goes forth. People are crying out for justice right now like never before, same in this day. Then it says, "For the wicked surround the righteous, therefore perverse judgment proceeds."

Now, I want you to see in verse 5 what God says. This is what the Lord replies, or what the Lord said. "Look among the nations and watch, for I will work a work in your days which you would not believe, though it were told to you." Listen to that. I'm going to read this out of the Amplified because that was New King James. Now, this is Amplified: "Look around you," Habakkuk replied the Lord, "among the nations and see! And be astonished, astounded, for I am putting into effect a work in your days such that you would not believe it if it were told you." So God is going to do something so magnificent, people wouldn't even believe it before they saw it because it's like nothing that they've ever seen before. What has God been saying in these prophetic words? He's been saying things that are unconventional. He's been saying things to us that sound crazy, and it's like, "Well, I don't know how that's ever going to come to pass." It's something that we've never seen before. He was saying this to Habakkuk.

Then I want to read this out of the Message translation, Habakkuk 1:5. So the first I read you in Habakkuk 1 and verse 5 are the New King James, then the Amplified. Now, this is the Message translation: "Look around at the godless nations. Look long and hard. Brace yourself for a shock. Something's about to take place and you're going to find it hard to believe." What has God been saying in these prophetic words? Shock and awe. He says what He's about to do is going to bring shock and awe. What did He say in Habakkuk again? To Habakkuk, how do you reply to Him? Look around at the godless nations, look around hard, long and hard, brace yourself for a shock, something's about to take place, and you're going to find it hard to believe. What has been God saying? Red Sea-like moments.

So now, when there is a time of great chaos and perplexity among God's people, what does God do? Let me read that again. There was a time of great chaos and perplexity among God's people, so what does God do? Well, first of all, God is going to do something that is almost beyond belief. I just read you that scripture in America. Then, our God is a supernatural and unusual God. Remember how I talked to you about that? God is a super upon the natural. So natural's down here, and no matter what these wicked men are doing to this world, they're trying to do to the church, trying to do to the economy, what they're trying to do to our health, what they're trying to do to information, to cause so much disinformation and cause so much confusion, this is right here. This is the natural. And then you have God, a super upon the natural. He crushes all of those things so it doesn't matter how much power these people have. God is a God who's a supernatural God who's promised to His people that not only hears His people but He will deliver them out of it all.

Now, listen to this. I love this statement. There is no place too dark, no wall too thick that God's power, and God's favor, and God's grace can't penetrate.

I'm going to say that again. I'm going to try to say it slow. There is no place too dark, no wall too thick, that God's power, and God's favor, God's grace, can't penetrate. They have built up walls. They have their justice system. It's not the real one. They have their so-called justice system that's protecting all of them. It's a wall. They build up all these protections around them. So, when you see things like what's going on with Hunter Biden, again, God prophesied this. It started back in 2021, exactly what's going on right now. And you see these things happen, they try to build up all of these three-letter agencies, lawyers, the federal government, the DOJ, and they perfectly think they have themselves in this wall of protection that no matter what comes out and no matter what exposure happens, nothing is going to happen to them. They're untouchable. That's how they're acting. But remember, pride comes before a fall.

But what this says: there's no place too dark. Why? God is light. There's no wall too thick. Look what happened to the walls of Jericho. He said that God's power, God's favor, God's grace can't penetrate.

Now, I also want to read. I'm going to say in the book of Habakkuk 2:16, Habakkuk 2:16. And this is the latter part of this verse. And it says, "The cup of the Lord's right hand will be turned against you." The cup or sorry, the cup of the Lord's right hand will be turned against you. In the Amplified version, it said, "The cup of Wrath and the Lord's right hand will come around to you, O destroyer, and foul shame shall be upon your own glory." So, He's talking about judgment. God's right hand, when you ever see that, it's significant or it's signaling judgment. So, he's talking about The Destroyer, which is the adversary, and anybody the adversary uses, talking about in judgment when you see his right hand.

Now, when you see his right hand, it signifies sovereign power, dominion, and authority. And that's how he delivered his children. Sovereign power, dominion, and authority. So, I want you to also read, again, this is all about favor. I'm getting to that. Psalm 145, Psalm 145. And um, I think I, I don't let me get to it. I think I'll start with verse 15, also Psalm 145, verse 16, 15. Psalm 145, verse 15 and 16. "The eyes of all who look expectantly to you, you will give them their food in due season. You open your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing." And I'm going to keep reading verse 17, "The Lord is righteous in all of his ways, gracious in all his works." Verse 18, "The Lord is near to all who call upon him, to all who call upon him in truth. He will fulfill the desires of those who fear Him." And that fear does not mean I'm afraid of God. That fear means I respect God, that I put him first. Not fear as in Satan fear. That is fear as in respect or reverence to God.

So, the hand of God. So, you saw the right hand was in Habakkuk 2:16, I just read to you. And then he's talking about his hand. Not he didn't say right hand, he just said hand this time, and that means the hand of God is supernatural, extraordinary, and unusual provision. So right now, when you have all this evil, you have all this chaos, you have inflation, you have shortages, you have all this crazy crap going on all around the world, we can expect God's hand, the right hand of God, to judge the enemy, to stop him. Remember, God gave us His awesome prophetic word about who is standing in between them and us. It's God. And then his right hand is that judgment part, and then his when he's talking about his hand, that means the hand of God, supernatural, extraordinary, and unusual provision. He will open his hand and satisfy everyone with favor, goodwill, and loving-kindness. That's what God is going to do.

So, when you know these things in the midst of all this chaos, you won't get so upset about it. You won't get in fear, and you won't trust in what the enemy is doing. Do not trust. You have to know what the enemy is doing because that's why God is giving us all these decrees, declarations. He's giving us something to say. But God is saying, know what's going on and don't put up with it. And know that I am here to help you. He's got his right hand in place, judgment, and his hand also for supernatural provision. He will provide for us. And remember, yesterday, favor can do what money can't do. Favor can do what power can't do. Favor can do what seniority can't do. Favor can do what influence can't do. You're going to need the favor of God now more than any other time. Okay, and I read that to you guys yesterday. Now, I want you guys to go back to Habakkuk chapter 3 and verse 2.

Habakkuk chapter 3 verse 2, or Habakkuk; again, however you want to pronounce that. Again, this is a prophet's prayer. Habakkuk is praying. He says, "Oh Lord, have you heard your speech and was afraid? I have heard your speech and I was afraid. Oh Lord, revive your work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years make it known in wrath or judgment. Remember mercy." He's asking God, even in the midst of judging the enemy or judging the world, he's asking the prophet is asking God, "Have mercy on your people." Because a lot of people think, "Well, because we've done this and we've done that, we just let all these things happen." And God is saying, "You know, it's just too bad for uh..." and people are saying, "It's just too bad for us. We're just stuck dealing with all the judgments. We're stuck dealing with all of these things that are happening because we are part of it." And this prophet was saying, "Hey, have mercy, oh God. God, have mercy on your people. God is merciful."

Then he says, "Revive the years." And remember the mercy. Revive the years, what does that mean? Revive the years, that means, "Lord, restore what has been stolen." And I'm going to read to you in Habakkuk 3 verse 2, and I'm going to read to you in the message translation. This is a prayer of the prophet Habakkuk. Now, he says, "God, I've heard what our ancestors say about you. He's heard what the ancestors have said. Remember, God said to earnestly remember. He told the children of Israel, and they were walking out of Egypt, 'Hey, remember what I just did?' So they were telling all their generation after generation, 'Hey, this is what God did for us.' So he said, 'God, I've heard what our ancestors say about you, and I'm stopped in my tracks, down on my knees.' Why? Because he was so moved at the power of God and how God had saved and spared his people."

Then he says, "Do among us." He's asking, "God, is this his prayer? Do among us what you did among them. Work among us. You worked among them. And as you bring judgment, as you surely must, because he must bring judgment, remember mercy." Remember mercy. That is what he was praying. Remember mercy on your people, God. In all the chaos, remember to be merciful. That's another translation. Merciful means favor. So, the biblical definition of favor is God stepping into one's situation to make a worthwhile difference.

I'm reading it again. "God's stepping into one's situation to make a worthwhile difference." Don't you want right now for God to step in and make a worthwhile difference in the world today, and even in your own life? God's favor can change what is before you. It can change the situations and circumstances. It can change even court cases. It can change things because God can change these things.

Now, again, you have Habakkuk the prophet at that time, and he's praying, "God, I know you've got to send this judgment, just like you did with the Egyptians. I know what you did for them, the work that you did, the judgments that you brought against the enemy. But you have mercy on us, oh God. Bring those judgments, but also bring the mercy with you, with you, Father God. Because just like you did with the Egyptians, but also what you did in the land of Goshen, have favor upon your people, God, or spare your people."

And it also means, "Be favorable in the times of distress." That's what he was praying about, the prayer. "God, be favorable to your people in this time of distress." Now, I showed you what happened in the times of distress in the land of Egypt. What happened? When they were distressed, God says in Exodus 3:21 that he was gonna have favor before the Egyptians. And when you saw favor, God's favor before the Egyptians, they plundered the Egyptians. They took everything that the Egyptians had. God's favor can change things.

Now, when you're experiencing distress and chaos all over the world and all around them, God's people have had this several times over and over and over again. I just read you what happened with Habakkuk. Now, it says the favor of God is about to manifest in your life, and it's going to bring you through the worst of times into the best of times. You saw that in the book of Exodus. You're seeing that time and time again, that God does these things. The problem is the body of Christ has not known this God of favor. They have not known this God of blessing that has empowered his people with this blessing that empowers them to rise above everything that's rising against them. He's giving them mercy because of favor, and he's changing the situations in the world against his people, and he's delivering out of them all. This is what God is promising to do for us. When the favor of God shows up, so does his blessing. I told you this yesterday. When you see the favor of God show up, you're also going to see that empowerment to rise above every situation and circumstance.

Now also go to Psalm 5, Psalms 5 and verse 12. Psalms 5 and verse 12. I hope I'm going slow enough because I have so many scriptures right now, but I want to just paint this picture of how beautiful it is, no matter what is surrounding us, how beautiful it is to have the Creator of Heaven and Earth on your side, what he's given to you that you didn't even know about. And he's saying, stop crying, stop getting all up and uproar and distressed and frustrated and depressed. And stop getting all this worry and fear because he's saying to you, "I have given you an empowerment. I'm giving you my favor. And remember yesterday how we learned that favor was a shield and it's also protecting you from your enemy."

Psalms 5 and verse 12. This is the Amplified version. "For You, O Lord, will bless—remember that bless, it's an empowerment—the uncompromisingly righteous. Him who is upright and right standing with you. You are right standing with God because you are a joint heir with Jesus Christ if you have asked Jesus to be your Lord and Savior. Now I'm gonna go on. As with a shield, you will surround him with good will, pleasure, and favor. He will surround you, he will protect you, he will keep you from them. Again, the favor of God goes before you and it opens up doors that no man can shut. It changes rules, regulations, laws, policies on your behalf. God's favor will protect you, and it will change the things that are before you and the things that are against you. God's favor will change it, God's favor will protect you. And then you have God's blessing that rises you up out of it. So, you have these two power twins, I guess you would say, God's blessing and God's favor. Let's read on.

You can also find this in Exodus chapter 12 in verse 36. Exodus 12 and verse 36. I have a lot more to get to, so hopefully, I can get to all of them today. All right, what happens also with the favor of God? Exodus 12:36, this is the New King James, "And the Lord had given the people favor in the sight of the Egyptians. He gave him favor, he protected them, he gave him favor. And what happens with favor, so so that they granted them what they requested, thus they plundered the Egyptians. They took what belonged to them. That means there was a restoration of what had been stolen from them, and then they got back extra."

So, I'm gonna read out of the Amplified, and the bottom part it says, "And they stripped the Egyptians of all those things—of what things? Everything that was desirable: Gold, Silver, the silk, and anything that was valuable. God's people took when they were freed out of Egypt. That's another example of God's favor. God restores what has been stolen. Now I'm gonna read this to you out of the past—let's see here, I want to read it to you out of the—I thought I had it—out of that one. This is the NIV, "The Lord had made the Egyptians favorably disposed toward the people, and they gave them what they asked for. So, they plundered the Egyptians. God made it so, no matter what the Egyptians had, when God's people asked for it, the Egyptians had to hand it over. So, this is something that should excite you. That's why you see God right now. You're going to come out better on the other side of any of the things that you're going through right now. You're gonna get on the other side of this better than you were before. God is going to restore what the enemy has taken. He's going to empower you to rise above everything the enemy is doing to you right now. God's favor is going to shield you or protect you from what the enemy is doing."

Okay, now I'm also going to read Psalm 31. Psalm 31 and verse 23. Psalm 31 and verse 23. When you know the truth, the truth sets you free. And I will—it won't be tomorrow, Friday, but I will go through, probably sometime next week, I will probably go through more of this teaching and pre-record this for you so you can have it next week, so you can get and build upon this foundation of these teachings. All right, now Psalm 31 verse 23. "Oh, love the Lord, all you saints! The Lord preserves the faithful and plentifully pays back him who deals haughtily." Well, that's judgment against the haughty... he's going to say he's gonna pay back, he's going to make them pay back.

Now also, preserve. What does that mean? Preserve, uphold, and sustain and keep in a sound state. God wants to keep you in a sound state, even in chaos, even in something that is so ridiculous, even in things that look so chaotic, God is saying he wants to preserve you, he wants to sustain you, he wants to protect you from everything that's going on around you, even if there is a pandemic, even if there's chaos all around, even if there's an economic crash, even if there's whatever happens, God is saying, "I'm going to preserve you, I'm going to sustain you." Just like he did with Goshen, he preserved them, he sustained them. That is his promise to you.

God has ways of prospering you no matter what is going on in the rest of the world. God has ways of prospering you no matter what is going on in the rest of the world. That's part of that favor of God. Now, in some situations, it's the favor of God that can only get you through. What I just read to you about the favor of God, then the favor of God is also—I want you to write this down—I'm going to try to say it slowly.

Because I know a lot of my team members, thank you for being on here and thank you for writing all this down for me. All right, now the favor of God is an act of sparing. The favor of God is an act of sparing. What does sparing mean? In other words, keeping you safe, preventing you from going through what everybody else is going through, or not ending up like everyone else. Let me say that again. God's favor is an act of sparing. In other words, keeping you safe, preventing you from going through what everybody else is going through, or not ending up like everyone else. So even if... remember He keeps saying you're reminding us of Goshen. He says it all the time, he says it was my Goshen as the Lord said. He was sparing them, he was preserving them, he was sustaining them, he was providing for them. And no matter what was going in the world or Egypt at that time, God's people were preserved, they were protected. That's why it's so important for you to get a hold of this and start proclaiming and decreeing God's favor in your life, God's blessing in your life. It's so utterly important in the time frame that we are living in.

Now, yesterday I read you also Psalm 41:11. How you also know the favor of God is working in your life. Psalm 41 and verse 11. I gotta go through this really quick because I have new scriptures to give out. By this, I know that you favor and delight in me. Sorry, but this I know that you favor and delight in me because my enemy does not triumph over me. So, another example of God's favor and seeing God's favor manifest in your life is that your enemies will not triumph over you. So, it doesn't matter what the enemies are doing around the world today, God is saying, "I am showing my favor to my people, and your enemies will never triumph over you." And I want you to keep declaring that and decreeing it. I thank you, Father God, that your favor is surrounding me, and I thank you, Father God, that your favor goes before me, and I thank you, Father God, that your favor is around me, and my enemies will not triumph over me. This is so important to speak in boldness what God is saying. Some people think that I shout, and I know sometimes when I'm preaching and I get really excited, I get out of the anointing, I do sometimes shout because it's the authority. It's like I just know that I know when I'm dealing with my enemy, I will not be a wimp. I will not be quiet. I will not be like, "Okay, Satan, I rebuke you." No, it's like I rebuke you in Jesus' name. I am scolding him. I am yelling at him. I'm screaming at him because I know who's backing me up. It is almighty God because it's the authority of almighty God that I'm using against the enemy.

Now again, as the psalmist said in Psalm 41, say here, one of the ways I know for a fact that I have the favor of God on my life, because my enemies never triumph over me. The favor of God can keep you protected from your enemy. It will keep you from experiencing defeat and failure. God's favor will keep you from experiencing defeat and failure at the hands of the enemy. The Message translation says, "There are no Victory shouts in the enemy's camp. Praise the Lord! There are no shouts in the enemies' camp because they're going to be the ones who are defeated, not you. And God keeps telling us that over and over again. Now turn to Ezekiel 34 and verse 26. Ezekiel 34 and verse 26. This is another way of the example of favor. "And I will make them and places round about my Hill a blessing, and I will cause and shall I will cause the showers to come down in their season, they shall be Showers of blessing." Remember, Showers of blessing, blessing is an empowerment of good, insured by God's favor. God's showering his people with his favor, showering his people with his favor. Now shower, it means a sudden downpour or it's uncontainable. That means it's more than enough. You can even find that Malachi chapter 3 verses 10 when he's talking about the tithes and offerings, he said, "I will open up the windows of heaven and pour out such blessings that you will not have enough room to contain it. It's uncontainable what God is about to do for his people. You can see this before. He's done this before, and he's going to do it again. And people say, "Well, God's not that way anymore." No, no, no, no. God's the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Now turn to Amos 9 verse 13. Now I'm going to read this out of the Message, and the reason for this is because of the power. It's so powerful in the Message translation, Amos 9 verse 13. "Things are going to happen so fast, your head will swim, one fast on the heels of another. You won't be able to keep up. What has been, God saying, things are going to happen so quickly and so fast, it's going to bring that shock, it's going to bring that awe. He's saying, things are going to happen so fast, your head will swim, one thing fast on the heels of another. You won't be able to keep up. Everything will happen at once, and everywhere you look, blessings. And he says blessings like wine pouring off the mountain hills, and it goes on and on and on. So again, things are going to happen so fast, so things can change in a day. Remember, all it takes is one day, and one day is all God needs. I don't know when that day is going to be. He hasn't told me. If I knew, I'd tell you, but I don't know. But I just know it's coming sooner. I can feel it in my spirit. I just know it's coming soon. But again, what did God say was going to happen before that? He says that things were going to look darker before they got brighter. But does not mean, again, when you know these things, the darkness will not scare you because you have God's light that is shining upon you.

Showing you his blessing, his favor, his goodness, his name, his blood Covenant, and then you won't care what's going on around the world because you are protected by the glory of almighty God. You have the greater one on the inside of you, and you won't care what these evil people are doing because you know that God is preserving you, he's sustaining you, he's protecting you from everything that they are doing. God is your protector, he is your protector, and again, things are going to happen so fast your head will swim (Amos 9:13-15, that is the Message translation). So, Amos 9:13-15. I'm sorry I just said 13.

Now I want to read to you Psalm 37:19. Well, it's 18 and 19 out of the Message. Psalm 37:18 and 19, Message translation. "God keeps track of the decent folk. What they do won't soon be forgotten. Now listen to this, in hard times, they'll hold their heads high. When the shelves are bare, they'll be full. I don't know about you, that should make you just shout, even when shelves are bare, you will be full. You will have full shelves, you will have no lack. That is what God's promising to you, that is the favor of God on your life. Remember, he's preserving you, sustaining you, provides for you. God's blessing is rising you above everything that the enemy is doing."

So there are examples in the Bible I've given to you before about what's happened in times of famine. God's people looked like we're gonna die, God's people looked like it was all over for them, and then God... and that's why you say, "I don't care if the shelves are bare, I thank you Father God that my shelves, my pantries are full of overflowing. I praise and thank you Father God that your favor sustains me. I thank you Father God that your blessing brings me up, it brings me out, and it brings me through all these things that the enemy is doing."

So again, when you know these things, when you know them and you truly, truly know them, you don't just say, "Well, Julie, that was great." I didn't just take these teachings and go, "Well, that was great." I took these teachings that I heard and I said, "I want to know more. I want to get this revelation. God, I thank you that you gave it." Again, I heard it from Jerry Savelle, I got this from him, and I thank you, Father God, that you gave him that revelation. Now I want this revelation. I thank you, Father God, and I just dug in deep and I got it. I just got it. God wants you to have it. So then when you are going through these situations in your life, again, when I was listening to Jerry Seville, all these teachings that he had, and I said, "Listen to some of them today. I've mentioned a lot of them. I was in a dark, dark, dark, dark, dark time, but it got me out. That light of the word brought me up and out of that darkness, and that's what the whole purpose of God's word is, to get you up and out of the darkness, up and out of those things that Satan has put you in. And God's saying, "I'm going to sustain you, I'm going to preserve you, I'm going to bring you up and out better than you were before. That is his promise."

All right, now I also want to read this is Psalm 37:19. I just read to you in the Message. Now, this is the Passion Translation, the Passion Translation. "Even in a time of disaster, he will watch over them, and they will always have more than enough. No matter what happens, this is where you have to know, people are getting afraid, especially when the prophecies have talked about an economic disaster, because God is tearing apart that Babylonian system, that Godless system. He's tearing it and ripping it apart because that system is what enslaved the world. He's destroying it. They think they're destroying our dollar, they think they're going to destroy and make the world economy this digital currency where you have to have a thing in here or a thing here. They've already... they're already talking about this AI system, they're already talking about implanting you with something. You can't buy or sell, does that sound familiar? They're talking about the mark of the beast right now. They don't name it that way, but that's exactly what they're talking about. This is exactly what they are trying to do, and God's saying, "It ain't gonna happen. Right now they are trying to push time forward. It's not the time of the One World Government. It is not the time for this. God is saying it's my time for my people. It's my time for my people to rise up out of that darkness, to rise up out of the situations, the circumstances, the tests, the trials, all this evil, all this oppression, all this slavery, all this sickness, all this disease, everything that the world has done to them. It's time to rise them up into this promised land and rise them up into this place where God is saying he is going to preserve you, sustain you, he is going to restore to you what the enemy has stolen!"

I'm gonna read this again, Psalm 37 verse 19, out of the Passion Translation. Even in a time of disaster, he will watch over them. God watches over us, and they will always have more than enough. No matter what happens, what is God's promise? Philippians 4:19 in the Amplified version: "He will liberally fill to overflowing your every need!" God doesn't want to just give you what you need; he wants to give you more than enough. Remember, God's favor sustains you, and it restores what has been stolen.

All right, Job, I'm gonna finish with a couple of these left, and then I have to get going. But Job 5:21, and this is also the Message. Job 5:21 in the Message translation: "In famine, he'll keep you from starving; in war, from being gutted by the sword. You'll be protected from vicious gossip and live fearlessly through any catastrophe. You'll shrug off disaster and famine. I gotta read that again, that is so powerful."

Again, this is Job 5:21, the Message translation: "In famine, he'll keep you from starving; in war, from being gutted by the sword. You'll be protected from vicious gossip and live fearlessly through any catastrophe. You'll shrug off disaster and famine."

Think about that. No matter what people are looking at, all the prophecies we want to talk about because I talk about darkness, you talk about blackouts, he talked about the economy, he's talked about all these things, and people are freaking out. These are scriptures that get you not to freak out. Don't freak out. You get into that word and get rid of all of that fear, you get rid of all of that worry, that doubt, that unbelief, and all these strategies the enemy to get you to believe what he's going to do and he's going to do is going to come to pass. What he wants to do is not going to come to pass. All these people are not going to have what they want. Look at the scriptures that God has given to us today.

All right, I'm going to read John 14:15-17. John chapter 14, verses 15 through 17. This is the Passion Translation once again: "Loving me empowers you to obey my commands. Loving God empowers you to obey his commands. I will ask the Father, and he'll give you another Savior, the Holy Spirit of Truth, who will be to you a friend just like me. He will never leave you. The world won't receive him because they can't see him or know him, but you know him intimately because he remains with you and will live inside of you. Even in the darkest, darkest of days, God is preparing you to remember who dwells on the inside of you. He's preparing you to rise above all the situations because the empowerment of the blessing. He's shielding you with his favor, and he's telling us no matter what happens, remember, you have the greater one on the inside of you."

Now, God's promises: they will have more than enough, no matter what happens. You will have more than enough, no matter what happens. Now, are you... I'm not sure, have you guys turned to Job 22:28? Job 22 and verse 28. This is a little bit longer teaching today. I have only a couple of minutes left. Job 22 and verse 28. Now listen to what this says, this is very important. What has God been giving to us? God has been giving us decrees and declarations. He's been giving us something to say every single day... why? Look here: Job 22 verse 28, this is the Amplified: "You shall also decide and decree a thing, and it shall be established for you, and the light of God's favor shall shine upon your ways."

"You shall decree a thing," that means you need to be declaring and decreeing the favor of God, declaring and decreeing the blessing of God. Why? Because you are establishing it in your life, and if you establish it in your life by decreeing it, by saying it, say, "Julie, I'm decreeing it, I'm saying it," and everything looks like it's going the opposite direction because Satan wants you to shut up, Satan wants you to stop from declaring, he wants you to stop from decreeing because he knows once you have that in your mouth, once you start declaring it and decreeing it with force, and you start to believe it, he is powerless.

Your enemy is going to try to fight you, but remember that he tries to fight you, shut him up. You shall establish, you also decide and decree a thing, and it shall be established for you in the light of God's favor, the light of God's favor shall shine upon your ways. God's favor goes before you, God's favor protects you, it preserves you, God's favor... but keep saying it. This is something else that was said: the favor of God is notorious for changing things that are impossible. God's favor is notorious for changing things that are impossible. So many people keep saying over and over again, there's so many things that are impossible and it's not going to change, and God is saying his favor will change impossible things. Praise the Lord.

Now also... Oh, let's see here. God, okay, Psalm 147, in verse 5, the Passion Translation, Psalm 147 verse 5, the Passion Translation.

How great is our God? There's absolutely nothing his power cannot accomplish, and he has infinite understanding of everything. I'll read it again: how great is our God? There's absolutely nothing his power cannot accomplish, and he has infinite understanding of everything. Nothing surprises God, and absolutely nothing his power cannot accomplish. And God's power lives on the inside of you.

Last scripture for today, 2 Corinthians 2:14. This is also the Passion Translation, 2 Corinthians 2:14, Passion Translation. Listen: God always, not sometimes, God always makes his grace visible in Christ, who includes us as partners of his endless triumph. Through our yielded lives, he spreads a fragrance of the knowledge of God everywhere we go. God always and will always cause you to triumph in every area, everything that's anything that's opposing you, anything that's against you. But listen to this: includes us as partners. God includes us as partners of his endless triumph. Endless. It doesn't end. His triumph, he includes you as his partner in that endless triumph. What did God do for us? He sent his son. What has God given us? Everything we need.

I don't care what happens in this country, I don't care what happens to the economy, I don't care what happens, what it looks like, is what I'm saying, what it looks like. How care what it looks like. I know what it looks like and I know what they're going to try to do. It's in prophecy, is what God's been warning us about. They're going to try to put you under pressure, they're going to try to break you, they're gonna try to get you on your knees, they're gonna try to get you to surrender, they're gonna try to put you in a hopeless and helpless situation. This is what they're going to try to do. But now that you know, that's what they're going to try to do, you have this revelation right now in these teachings that can cause you to rise above it all. And nothing they do is going to conquer you, nothing they do is going to keep you back and hold you down because you have the empowerment on your life. Again, if you missed the first part yesterday, go read that, go watch it, go read the scriptures that God has given you, go watch that video again. How important the power of the blessing is in your life, how important the favor is. Again, there's more to this subject, this is just the beginning. There's so much more to this, this is all I can do for today. But I hope this encouraged you seriously into knowing you have endless triumph because you're in partnership with God. Even though it looks like you may be losing, or your country may be losing, or your situation is just so dire and it's so impossible, you have endless triumph with Jesus Christ, you have endless triumph with God Almighty because you're a partner with him. Why do you think it's so important every day to get in the word of God? It's so important to know him, because everything that you see, in everything that you feel, it won't destroy you. God is changing the way you see things so that you won't get discouraged and give in to a lie. Yeah, you will not fail, and you will not be defeated. God's will is going to be done, and not the enemy. I could go on and on and on, but I want to pray over each and every one of you today. I just love this, it's like just one of my favorite, favorite all-time teachings. It just... something happens on the inside of me every time I think about it, and I hope it's doing the same for you to get you encouraged and remember who you're with, remember who your partner's with. You're in partners with someone who has never been defeated and never will be.

So, heavenly Father, right now in Jesus' name, Father God, how can we thank you enough for Revelation from heaven, for giving us revelation on the blessing, for giving us revelation of your favor, for giving us revelation of who you are and how much love you have for us and how you've equipped us in every manner of our life, everything that we face, everything that's up against us, you have given us a way out. Father, we thank you for your absolute goodness, we thank you for your mercy, we thank you that you are protecting us, you are sustaining us, you are preserving us in this time. And no matter what the enemy does, I thank you, Father God, they will not have their way. I thank you, Father God, that you are rising us up above every single thing that they have planned, that it will not affect us, that it will not touch us, that it will not bring us down to our knees, but it will bring them down. I thank you, Father God, that just like you were with all of our, so many of our ancestors and so many of the generations before us, Father God, and in your word, you were the protector, you were the sustainer, you were the deliverer, and I thank you, Father God, that you are still that same God, yesterday, today, and forever. So, I thank you, Father God, for preserving them, for sustaining them, for perfecting them, for also, Father God, for supplying everything they need when they need it.

No matter what it is, I praise you and I thank you, Father God, that you are with them wherever they go, and they know that you are with them wherever they go, and that they are not alone. And I thank you for this enlightenment, and I thank you, Father God, for these revelations from Heaven that you are pouring out and you are giving to us in this day so our enemy cannot defeat us in any way. And we thank you in Jesus' name, amen and amen.

Again, I hope it's encouraging today, and I hope you can truly feel the love of God in this message, his love and everything that he has. He is everything you need, even though you may not understand, you may not know how you're going to get out of it, you just know that you have a partner, and he has endless victories for you. And he will not cause you to fail, and he will not let you down, and he will not forsake you, and that is what you need to know in this time. God will not let you down.

Hope this encouraged you today. Please like, subscribe, and share, and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word, who needs to hear the truth, because the truth will set you free. God loves you, I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day!

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