S2E34 | "Penny LA Shepard - Meghan Walsh Child Trafficking Updates & 'Stranger Things' Deep Dive”

1 year ago

You're in for a treat everyone! I am absolutely delighted to bring back former guest and the REAL Eleven of the popular TV show, “Stranger Things”, MK Ultra survivor, Penny LA Shepard!

An original whistleblower of our time, Penny is an MK Ultra Super Soldier and Project Genesis survivor, blogger, podcaster, independent journalist, boss lady, ally to survivors, and authority on all things MK Ultra who has been bringing her story into the spotlight for a number of years after regaining her horrific compartmentalized memories of childhood. The information she’s brought forth has been groundbreaking in the same ways other whistleblowers of our time like Cheryl Hersha Beck, Svali and Cathy O’Brien have been and we are all so lucky she decided to go public with her story and share her experiences and knowledge with all of us. Penny was on the show twice before - the first time telling her testimony and the second alongside Meghan Walsh helping corroborate her horrific story of child trafficking by the likes of John Walsh. Both episodes I will put in the show notes and I encourage everyone listening to go watch them when you get a chance!

This time around, Penny is going to do a deep dive on Stranger Things for all of us as no one would know the ins and outs of the true meanings woven into this show like Penny would and it’s important for all of us listening to be conscious enough to have eyes to see and ears to hear so we avoid being entrapped and hypnotized by propaganda and MK Ultra ourselves. For those of you who don’t already know, Penny is the REAL ‘Eleven’ of Stranger Things and what she’s going to reveal today will be super eye opening! We also spend the first part of the show outlining Meghan Walsh and the latest events surrounding her horrific child traff-icking saga in regards to John Walsh.

Meeting Penny has been one of the highlights of my journey into podcasting and in the fight for our children. Not only is she an absolute inspiration to me and to anyone who knows her personally or has heard her testimony, but she has become a dear friend and someone I look up to. Despite all she has been through, she shows up with such love and compassion in her heart and cares only about the truth and the whole truth. Penny risks so much coming forth with this information and her bravery is something I’m in absolute awe of. Her kind heart and willingness to help anyone who needs it makes her an ally to survivors and activists alike and she’s always the first person I go to when I need clarification or discernment.

Get out a paper and pen because you are going to learn so much today! I’m so honored to bring to you today, prolific whistleblower, woman of God, voice for the voiceless and my dear dear friend, Penny LA Shepard!


Donations: Penny needs a new computer - you can send Amazon gift cards to her email: @shepardentertainment@gmail.com
Penny & Meghan Walsh Interview: https://youtu.be/p3rCA-mJ-F0
Telephone (text her first so she knows who you are): 619-779-9771
Email: shepardentertainment@gmail.com
Website: https://shepard-entertainment.com/about-see
Blog: SEE ME NOW: Agent X:11 - shepardentertainment.blogspot.com
Channel: MKULTRA Agent X:11
Handle: @mkultraagentx11
@Shepardout - https://twitter.com/shepardout
@AgentX11StrangerThings - https://twitter.com/Agent_X11
@Shepardout - https://www.instagram.com/shepardout/
@AgentX.11 - https://www.instagram.com/agentx.11/
@Penny L.A. Shepard - https://www.facebook.com/pennylashepard
FB Group: MKULTRA: SEE ME NOW: AGENT X:11 - https://www.facebook.com/groups/607900512896080/?multi_permalinks=1703398450012942%2C1701088656910588%2C1699949873691133%2C1699929407026513&notif_id=1654473752554660&notif_t=group_activity&ref=notif

All links: https://direct.me/theimaginationpodcast
Website: https://standbysurvivors.com/
SXS Merch: https://my-store-c980d5.creator-spring.com/
Survivor Store: https://standbysurvivors.com/survivor-store

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