"La Choy Dragon All Commercials HD Compilation" [Fixed Audio] 60's Funny Jim Henson Muppet Ad

1 year ago

It's him, the La Choy dragon. He's voiced by Jim Henson himself and boy does he do an amazing job. His voice was so good as the LA CHOY dragon that they based the jurassic park T-Rex off of his voice performance (a different puppeteer walked around in the costume). These are really funny. He just smashes through everything like a maniac. Certainly, an amusing premise. The fire effects are good and they're just amusing. I like the way the lady says "I can't even boil waaaaaaaateeeerrrrr." Like, she says it real weird. I bet she can sing real high. Audio has been fixed and video enhanced. These are from the 60's.

The Wifeless husband is good. He's like oh no, my wife took a train to see the world's fair- NOW THE CHILDREN WILL STARVE! My man, you fought in the big dubbya dubbya two. Just give them a K ration from the garage and a handful of penny whistles. They'll be fine. Don't summon the La Choy dragon over this. We must only use his powers for good, instead of laziness.

"Fortune cookies with dirty messages in them?" Is something you'd never thought you'd hear a muppet say. But now you have. You're welcome.

His name is Delbert, and he's here to stay:

Jim Henson's Notes on the La Choy Chow Mein Shoot:

They were hired in 1965 by the Campbell-Mithun Advertising Agency for Beatrice Foods Company. I don't know who Beatrice is, but I bet she made a mean chocolate pie.

They're sort of still around: https://www.beatriceco.com/about_bfc/

Chocolate Pie is a Southern thing:

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