"Put It In My Mouth So I Don't Get Pregnant" Sexy Yaz Birth Control Ad (Lost Media Commercial) 2009

1 year ago

I'm not sure what Bayer did to piss off the FDA, but piss off they did. So they were forced to issue a correction and did so in the form of this woman in a cocktail dress talking about her slutty birth control. I think all birth control ads should basically be softcore. I mean, are you supposed to play coy with birth control. People know the birds and the bees and what's having sex with them right?

Damn. Is she wearing a choker too? Ok Bayer, we get it. She's a Jezebel and needs her no-mommy pills. Geeze.

Recorded 2009.

She should have BING'd Yaz:

Bayer. You naughty little Minx.

It's simple:

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