Manly Activities That Boost Testosterone (Wood Chopping and More)

1 year ago

When I decided I wanted to do a video on manly activities that boost testosterone, I never thought I would be talking about the Haka (haa kuh), a ceremonial Māori Wardance. So let me tell you how I came across this testosterone-boosting gem.

I was researching the manly activity of watching sports and came across an abstract for a study on how watching specific types of video clips before doing squats significantly improved their 3-rep max. Unfortunately, I didn’t have access to the complete study, so I couldn't find out what these clips were of specifically, but one of them was considered to be aggressive. I wanted to know what they watched that made them stronger.

From here, I found a full study that looked at “Aggression and testosterone in men exposed to aggressive video stimulus.” The test subjects were shown a 4 min silent video of the New Zealand rugby team performing the Haka plus rugby tackles. This increased both testosterone and aggression levels in the viewers.

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What this does show is there is a strong mental connection with testosterone and increasing it when it’s needed.

Another time we see this is when we experience our favourite sports team winning, our testosterone spikes. Winning or even identifying with the winning team is hormonally positive. Unfortunately, the reverse is true; if our team loses, are t levels go down.

Resistance training has temporary and permanent effects on our testosterone; we add in the positive power of winning by making our workouts goal based.

Anyone who trains regularly to build muscle or get stronger and has a properly set up program will have a goal-based workout, as every training session will have both short and long-term goals.

The way it works is before you start an exercise, you have a goal number of repetitions to reach; often, it’s one more than the last time. When you achieve this small win, savour it. A long-term goal might be to add ten or 20 lbs to your bench or squat. These take longer to reach, but the bigger the goal, the more substantial that feeling is.

They tested the testosterone levels of the Tsimane people of Bolivia before and after an hour of wood chopping and found a 46.8 % increase in testosterone, and age had no effect on this increase. This was 17% higher than the change caused by playing soccer.

The best way to permanently enhance our T levels is to improve our body composition. This is done in two parts, first by losing excess body fat and secondly by increasing your muscle mass.

Part of the muscle-building process is recovery, and a vital component is sleep. A good night's sleep not only allows us to build more muscle but allows us to have optimal T during the day, with research finding sleeping less than 5 hrs a night lowers your daytime levels by 10 to 15%. Compared to those who spent 8 to 10 hrs in bed.

One study showing men who participated in sex had a testosterone boost of 61% above those who only watched the activity.

sex helps us fall asleep by releasing hormones like oxytocin(ox-see-tow-sin) and prolactin that induce pleasant and relaxing feelings. It also reduces cortisol which is connected with stress.,Cook%20and%20Crewther%2C%202012).

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