"Haunted Hotels are Scary" HD (4k) Lost Halloween Commercial (2013) Lost Media

1 year ago

They nuked this Halloween commercial from their page for some reason. It's pretty innovative to be able to book haunted hotels. I mean, at least that's interesting. The scariest thing that ever happened to me in a hotel was realizing my mattress was COVERED in blood. Then, going out, getting drunk at a wedding party, then coming back and forgetting to change rooms and just sleeping on the haunted (bloody) mattress. 10/10 would book haunted room again.

More Halloween Lost Media: (Scaredy Cat: The Halloween Movie...For Cats)

Vincent Price being Vincent Price, but this time he's Vincent Price on Halloween:

Elvira and Vincent Price- Together At Last:

I believe this is room 410 of the Queen Anne Hotel. Haunted and such.


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