Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine Workout Good Over 50? (Deadpool 3)

1 year ago

High Jackman is 54 years old and preparing for what could be his last time ever portraying the character of Wolverine in Deadpool 3. The first time was back in 2000, so we can say he has at least 22 or 23 year’s training experience.

That’s the first thing I noticed about his workout; it’s not definitely for beginners. There’s a wide range of fitness levels over 50; some are in good shape like myself or even better, and on the other end of the spectrum, there are those who have never trained or haven’t for years.

There are things I like about this workout, and I’d try in my program as well as one big flaw. This might make sense if you’re trying to build a Hollywood body, but if you want a fit, balanced physique, it’s a mistake, at least for the average guy.

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This program has a power building element to it, with the first exercise every day is based on your one rep max and over 3 weeks, you increase the weight until you reach 90% of this max which you do for 3 reps.

On the fourth week, your working sets drop to 60% of your max for ten reps.

The exercises they did this way were bench press, back squat, weighted pull-ups, incline bench, and deadlifts.

The way his training days are laid out is 5 days of resistance workouts with 6 days of cardio. During his shred and after his morning workouts, he did low-intensity cardio for 45 minutes and, in the evening, 15 minutes of HITT cardio.

He would do his workouts and cardio fasted, something I can’t do. I’ve tried training fasted, and my workouts sucked. You can’t build muscle if you don’t have the energy to move the weight.

It’s a great plan for those who love training fasted, but for the rest of us, eat something first.

When I put together a 5 day a week program, I set it up as an upper, lower, push, pull, legs, split. The way The Wolverine workout is designed, Monday is chest and shoulders, Tuesday, legs and abs; I typically do abs with legs as well; Wednesday’s, a cardio-only day with 90 mins of low-intensity cardio at 60 to 65% of your max heart rate.

Everything is getting worked twice a week except for back and biceps. I think it would be better to have made Monday an upper body day so all body parts are stimulated twice a week. But this program was designed for Hugh Jackman, and it may be that he needs extra work on his chest and triceps, and his back and biceps were strong points.

the Cuban press an excellent exercise to warm up the shoulders. It’s done by combining an upright row with shoulder rotation into a shoulder press.

Not an exercise I would do heavy or close to failure, because it’s a warmup exercise I’d move it to the first exercise or maybe after bench press before the shoulder work.

I like the shoulder giant set. I’ve done tri-sets with lateral, front raises and rear delt flyes before, but finishing it off with shoulder presses

Before we get back to the workout, I want to call out Hugh Jackman’s claim on eating 8,000 calories daily while training. He may have eaten 8,000 calories one day, but every day. This seems to me like the Hollywood hype machine in action—a way to get attention on the movie and promote it.

They used to say 5,000 calories, then Jonathan Majors said he ate over 6,000 calories for one of his roles. It almost seems like a case of one-upmanship. The number has to keep going up to continue to impress the general public.

There are a lot of supersets and tri-sets in this workout; the bicep one looks particularly brutal; it starts with Zottman curls, then goes to cross-body curls and finishes with prone curls.

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