Was Joe the bagman for the rest of the corrupt cabal? Will he FLIP on them?

1 year ago

Connect the dots who else was involved in the Biden scandals? KENNEDY when asked said he was dumbest in senate....dont think he could pull this off without help so who was he the bag man for and how many...methinks something more stinks here. Why else would he tell Ukranians to call Obama? Why else would congress fail to pass a law prohibiting certain countries especially china from buying land near strategic bases and keeping 300,000 acres of farmland empty? Why else would they hate Trump for being anti China...and why is Joe lifting sanctions and tariffs on China? Half the congress has investments in China as well as the Clintons, Obamas' and Kerry (one of Kerry's in relatives was involved with Barisma also with Hunter and Devin Archer). This is starting to smell the whole of DC up....any wonder they are not hiding the fact they have the wagons circled for Joe? I'm sure they are afraid senile Joe might "FLIP".

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