Oldest Creation Myths from East of Europe: When the Devil created the Earth

1 year ago

The Earth Diver Creation Myth is one of the oldest myths we know, and we find it around Eastern Europe, but it has changed, evolved. In this video we will look at how and why the myth ended up here and became the creation myth of much of this region.

This is a link to @Crowhag 's video: https://youtu.be/yjntTgoQIDw

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► References
Mátéffy. 2014. The Earth-¬Diver: Hungarian Variants of the Myth of the Dualistic Creation of the World—Pearls in the Primeval Sea of World Creation.
Kálmány Lajos. 1893. Világunk alakulásai nyelvhagyományainkban. Mvthológiai tanulmány [Formation of the World in Our Language Traditions. Mythological study], Szeged: Bába Sándor könyvsajtója.
Vargyas Lajos. 1947. Keleti elemek a magyar néphitben [Oriental Elements in the Hungarian Folk Beliefs). Antiquitas Hungarica I (1), 81-83.
Vargyas Lajos. 1977. Honfoglalás előtti keleti elemek a magyar folklórban [Oriental Elements in the Hungarian Folklore Originating from the Time before the Conquest], Történelmi Szemle XX (1), 107-121.
Nagy, Ilona. 2007. Neuentdeckte Apokryphen und die Folklore. Der Gebratene Hahn Kräht. Acta Ethnographica Hungarica, 52 (2), pp. 287–327
Marian, Simeon Florea. 1904: Legendele Maicii Domnului. Studiu folkloristic. Bucureşti: Ediţiunea Academiei Române
Dähnhardt, Oskar. 1907. Natursagen. Eine Sammlung naturdeutende Sagen, Märchen, Fabeln und Legenden
Dragomanov, M. P. 1961. Notes on the Slavic Religio-Ethical Legends: The Dualistic Creation of the World. Translated by Earl W. COUNT. Bloomington, Indiana University Mouton, The Hage, The Netherlands. /Indiana University Publications. Russian and East European Series, vol. 23.
Geller, Florentina Badalanova. 2014. Cosmogonies and Mythopoesis in the Balkans and Beyond. Slavia Meridionalis 14, 2014
Vizual, Saeculum. 2004. Mitologie Românească.

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0:00 Introduction
3:36 The Earth Diver Creation Myth
7:07 Research behind the Video
13:13 Transylvania
17:36 Romanian
19:56 Bulgarian
29:09 Hungry
32:50 Hungry (Early Version)
36:39 Macedonia
40:20 Ukraine
42:03 Yazid Culture
46:50 Analysis and Conclusion

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