Our Chat With Gad Saad | The Happy Honey Badger

1 year ago

Dr. Gad Saad is at The Babylon Bee to talk about being a happy honey badger and his evolutionary psychology takes on consumer behavior, infectious ideas that are killing common sense, and his new book The Saad Truth About Happiness. Gad recently got in trouble for saying certain languages are violently ugly, so The Babylon Bee wanted to find out what other languages are ugly. Also, since Neil Degrasse Tyson says you can feel 80% female some days and it doesn’t matter what your chromosomes say, everyone decided to change their gender. Neat! Also, what do women want?
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Check out The Saad Truth About Happiness: https://www.amazon.com/Saad-Truth-about-Happiness-Secrets/dp/1684512603

Issues, Etc.: http://issuesetc.org

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