Trust The Science… How About No! #shorts

1 year ago

Dr. Zyrowski's Health Store:

If science says it, then it must be true…⁉️

Cholesterol is bad, eating salt is dangerous, fat will make you fat, seed oils are safe, pesticides on your food can’t harm you, the vax is safe and effective, fluoride in your water builds strong teeth… I could go on but I won’t.

Understand that science being manipulated is nothing new. A large group of independent scientist who donated their time to research was formed called the Cochran Group simply because intelligent people knew that science was hijacked by large corporations and government.

If you have the money and influence, you can create, manipulate, and publish scientific data that fits your narrative.

Is all science bad? Absolutely not, just know that it’s not all good.

There are some influencers online who’s whole schtick is to be a thought leader because they “read the science”.

I can tell you that after being in clinical practice for years and operating Michigans largest natural health center, “the science” doesn’t always get people well.

So don’t get so consumed by the influencers sitting in their underwear in the moldy corners of their grandmas basement claiming to have all the right answers because the science is on their side.

Stay Healthy! Dr. Z

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