Street Scrapping Trash Picking Computers & All Sorts of E-Waste

6 years ago

Trash picking started great with a huge load of copper wire from a regular client, the hit the hard rubbish piles and at first it was slow but picked up through the day and it seemed there was a PC in every street by the end.

Picking up junk off the streets is so much much fun, very exciting and can be very profitable if you resist taking scrap steel and not fill your van before you start finding scrap treasures.

Tomorrow is a new day, let's see what I find and also i'll do a quick run down of the scrap I found today.

Keep Scrapping & Have Fun!

Scrapping tools, safety gear, metal melting furnaces, crucibles and ingot moulds that I use or recommend..

My Camera, Gopro Hero 6

My Microphone for street scrapping
Connector for Microphone to adaptor
gopro 5/6 microphone adaptor

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