Legionaersangen - Marching Song of the Danish Legionnaires

1 year ago

I own nothing, all credits go to FBIV. Original description below.

There was a bigger version, but the quality was terrible. Hope you can forgive me for that.

The Freikorps Danmark was a legionary force created by the Danish Nazi Party when the Axis invaded the USSR. Up to 6K Danes joined it, including some officers of the Danish Army. Their most notable commander was Christian von Schalburg, an aristocrat and fierce anti-communist. The Legion fought up until 1943, when it was disbanded, but many of its soldiers joined Division Nordland, or the Schalburgkorps.


Vor Fane blafrer i Vinden
i Dagens brændende Sol.
Vore Hære gaar nu mod Fjenden
under Fædrelandets Symbol!
Vi er danske Legionærer!
Von Schalburgs sorte Bataillon!
Til Kamp for Frihed og for Ære
Vi værner vor Nation!
Danske Legionærer!
Danebrog er vor Kamp-Standart!
For vort Folk staar vor Hær nu till Kamp parat!
Danske Legionærer!

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