Bases 8 Chris Thomas -Project Human Extinction

1 year ago

Chris Thomas was a healer and author ,in south Wales. His data, direct from the Akashic is about the Velos twin Sun system- the origins of the Velon - Annunaki and Hathor.

Recorded in August 2010, this is reloaded and re-edited, to contain the extra remarks between recordings, is a vitally important interview. Highlights a rarely known ET collective group race, The Velon, mentioned in Baylon 5, and Star Trek Voyager.
It explains how the three main revolutions, The French, American, and Irish were by Velon assets, who 'walk in' and take control of the Illuminati, Masons and the later the Fabian organisations to achieve their goals. Total Control, and the Extinction of Humanity. The Nibiru fraud, its NOT a terran solar planet, its a Velos waundering planet.

Chris Thomas also interviewed by Terje Tofteness, Norwegian film maker, New Paradigm Films in 2009.

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