how to burp newborn baby at home

1 year ago

Hold Position: Hold your baby against your shoulder or sit them on your lap while supporting their head and neck with your hand.

Gentle Patting/Rubbing: Gently pat or rub your baby's back using your free hand. Start with light pats and gradually increase the pressure. Aim for a rhythm that feels comfortable for your baby.

Upright Position: Keep your baby in an upright position during and after feeding. This helps prevent air from getting trapped in their stomach in the first place.

Switch Positions: If the initial position doesn't work, you can try different burping positions like laying them face down across your lap or sitting them up on your lap, supporting their chin with your hand.

Wait for Burp: Be patient and give your baby some time to release the air. It's normal if they don't burp after every feeding, so don't worry if nothing happens.

Bottle Feeding Tips: If you're bottle-feeding, make sure the nipple is filled with milk throughout the feeding to minimize air swallowing. Tilt the bottle so the nipple is always filled with milk to help prevent excess air intake.

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