5 Reasons the Glock 26 is better than the Glock 43X for concealed carry

1 year ago

Full Blog Post: https://crackshot.tv/5-reasons-the-glock-26-is-better-than-the-glock-43x-for-concealed-carry/
Related Products: Dryfire Mag: https://www.dryfiremag.com/product/dryfiremag-g9x19-2/?ref=crackshottv

The Glock 26 is the OG Concealed carry glock. However, since releasing in 1994, the Glock 43X has quickly become the concealed carry pistol of choice for many glock owners.

In this video, I give 5 reasons why the Glock 26 may still be the better choice for many people over the Glock 43X that most gun owners haven't thought of.

The goal of this video is to help responsible gun owners make a decision about which concealed carry pistol is right for them, whether to choose the Glock 26 Gen 5 over the Glock 43 / Glock 43X / Glock 43X MOS.

In this video there are pros and cons of both, and we'll outline all of the details to help law abiding concealed or constitutional carry gun owners make a wise choice into which concealed carry pistol, sub compact, compact, or micro 9 is right for them.

Although dated, Glock 26 is still a great choice over similar sized pistols including the Glock 43x, Sig's P365 line, Smith and Wesson's M&P Shield series, or the compact Springfield XD and Hellcat lines.

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