Security, IOU & Recovery Token Secrets

2 years ago

Earlier this week, on 26th January, 2023, a court hearing for Celsius took place, where the company announced its plan to utilize security tokens as part of its reorganization strategy.

Drawing from my experience in the field, I would like to share with you how, back in 2016, Bitfinex and Bnk To The Future pioneered the security recovery IOU Token with the key ingredients, secrets and building blocks that made it work.

The topics covered during the live-stream are:
- An overview of the security token market successes & failures;
- What are recovery & IOU Tokens and how to use them to recover a distressed company;
- The key components of a successful security, recovery & IOU token.

Want to ask me questions over on TwitterSpace? Visit my Twitter Space immediately after the stream ends using this link:

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