Deep State DEW Attacks and Weather Manipulation

1 year ago

Judy Byington Special Report For 08.21.23.

Deep State DEW Attacks and Weather Manipulation

As of Sun. 20 Aug. there were fires in Maui and Oahu, Hawaii; Kelowna British Columbia; Washington State; several buildings in New York were on fire; there was a Sandstorm in Iran; Floods in Dongguan City of Guangdong Province, China; Tottori City, Japan; Buenos Aires; San Pedro Sula of Honduras; Southern Nevada; Santa Rosalía; Baja California; Sur, Mexico; a 5.5 magnitude Earthquake near Los Angeles; 15 states were on a list for DEW Attacks and Hurricane Hillary was threatening unprecedented flooding throughout California and Nevada.

Unite Against the Cabal
We Are One
And Where We Go One, We Go All

Now is the time to take back our World from the Evil One. We came to this planet at this time so that Truth would be told. May we never forget Who sent us here to do that. …Bonni B

It is only wise to have a month’s supply of food, water, cash and essential supplies in storage for your family and to share with others.

If you fall for another pandemic, you’re a special kind of stupid.

“Our Own Silent Minuet”

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