How to create a modal bootstrap lightbox like Modal Box in C# Part 1

1 year ago

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How to create a modal bootstrap lightbox like Modal Box in C# Series.

Bootstrap Modal or lightbox can be defined as an overlay with a transparent background. It just displays images, videos and text by filling the screen, and dimming out the rest of the web page.

In webpages light box effect is achieved by using css or javscript.

Here we are going to see how to implement similar effect in Winform application by using Power of GDI.

in Part 1 of this video
We will see how to create a semi transparent Modal for WinForms.
We will see how to show Modal popup while long running task in in progress, so that users will be aware of what application is doing..
We will implement manual close and auto close of popup.

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Music Source:
Royalty Free Music by Bensound | Stock Music

#programming #Tutorial #Free

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