…freedom do you want it?

1 year ago

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freedom do you want it
10.25 kennedy in congress
16.06 new variant
16.21 nih try this
19.20 organic food companies bought out
20.04 The arrival of plants from other worlds (new continents)
21.00 autism not in Vietnam
22.23 cancer ee system
23.32 guatemala lighning
24.21 hang cock
29.18 robocop pre programming
30.52 piers
38.44 how they could kill you
40.08 human body is great
41.35 is this causing problems with the weather
42.13 oz looneys
43.12 do you trust the government
44.16 digital id
46.19 digital id what can happen
52.13 hurican Hillary

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…freedom do you want it?

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