MAKEOVER: It's Not My Thing, by Christopher Hopkins, The Makeover Guy®

7 years ago

Vanessa wanted the impossible. To have a makeover, but not wear makeup, or do anything different with her hair than her 5 minute blow dry and out the door. We hit it off well, but trying to find the core of what is going on inside the person to figure how to express it IN A WAY SHE CAN DUPLICATE WITHOUT SPENDING ANY TIME DOING THAT.

I am fortunate this was my only client that day! Still we had fun and I’m hoping she can give herself the time for herself. It’s difficult to know what’s going on inside each makeover candidate. But the bottom line is, to me, they want to look and feel better, and enough to spend the money on a makeover. So whether they can admit it out loud or not, there’s a reason and they do really want to make an effort.

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