MAKEOVER: A New Direction, by Christopher Hopkins, The Makeover Guy®

7 years ago
4.9K Like many women, Pam had gone through a rough patch in life and decided a makeover would reignite the spark she needed to move forward. Pam wanted to look classic, but have a bit of an edge. Joelle created a very natural dark ash blonde with highlights that actually covered her gray. Difficult to do. Nicole did a beautiful job on her makeup, but I thought the lips and brows were too intense and tweaked it a bit. I built up her lips using a terra cotta pencil with gloss, softened and gave more arch to her brows. Her curls will be better after they get a chance to click in. She, like most, doesn't want to have to mess with her hair, so I showed her how allowing it dry without moving the hair will help her avoid frizz. Since I had to finish the cut when it was dry and time was running out I wasn't completely happy with the finished style but know she will be able to do it with the right products. A protein detangling spray, some Morrocan Oil Curl defining cream and Plarmia hair serum was the answer. It's time now, Pam, to add some regular beauty appointments to your aresenal of taking care of too many people. If the ship doesn't stay in good repair first, it can't carry the passengers safely. What a lovely spirit. And what a beautiful woman. It's YOUR TURN!

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