World Record - Man Jumped From Space

1 year ago

The world record you're referring to is most likely the Red Bull Stratos mission, where Felix Baumgartner, an Austrian skydiver, made a record-breaking jump from the edge of space. Here are the details of the event:

Event: Red Bull Stratos
Date: October 14, 2012
Participant: Felix Baumgartner

Jump Details:
Felix Baumgartner jumped from a helium balloon in the stratosphere at an altitude of approximately 128,100 feet (39,045 meters or 24.24 miles) above sea level. This put him in the Earth's stratosphere, close to the edge of space.

Key Achievements:

Highest Jump: Baumgartner's jump set the record for the highest skydive ever performed, surpassing the previous record set by Joe Kittinger in 1960.
Fastest Freefall: During his descent, Felix Baumgartner reached a maximum speed of 843.6 miles per hour (1,357.6 kilometers per hour), becoming the first person to break the sound barrier during a freefall.
Stratospheric Altitude: The jump took place from the stratosphere, making it one of the highest jumps in history.
The Red Bull Stratos mission aimed to gather scientific data on high-altitude jumps, as well as advance our understanding of human limits in the stratosphere. The mission also pushed the boundaries of human potential and demonstrated the feasibility of safe high-altitude jumps.

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