As power levels decline, NASA's InSight Lander achieves its scientific objectives on Mars.

1 year ago

In November 2018, the InSight lander from NASA landed in the Elysium Planitia region of Mars. InSight has completed all of its key scientific objectives while on Mars and is still looking for earthquakes there. By employing marsquakes to investigate the layers within the planet, the mission is the first to uncover the internal structure of Mars. The seismometer on board InSight was the first to notice an earthquake on another planet. InSight used a special set of meteorological sensors to monitor the weather at Elysium Planitia for four years. InSight has also persevered in the face of difficulty. The team came up with creative solutions to the engineering problems they ran upon. The information from InSight aids scientists in their understanding of how rocky planets like Earth and its moon evolved.

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