A Convenient Christianity

1 year ago

Sermon by Matt Trewhella on 8/13/2006

People who are lukewarm towards their religion want a convenient religion. And such is the state of American Christianity. Because American Christians are lukewarm in their devotion to Christ, they have made Christianity into a religion of convenience. Christianity is now convenient to your lifestyle - whatever that may be - in which you can pick and choose those parts you like and want, and reject those parts you find unappealing or displeasing.

We have accommodated ourselves to this world. Our consumption for ease and materialism is no different than the world's. Our consumption of MEism is no different than the world's. We have created theologies which justify our accommodation. We have created a convenient Christianity. You can now be a Christian, and love this present world too. You can pick a Christianity which fits YOUR lifestyle. But Jesus and the Scriptures call us to something far different.

1 Kings 12

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