8/20/23 - Maui Update, UFC Controlled?

1 year ago

Read some very disturbing info last night on the Maui fire situation & the whereabouts of the kids that were said to have been sent home. Wouldn’t surprise me if true & the pedo demon psychopaths bused them out during the melee. Definitely fits their mo. Remember Haiti? Remember the Clinton aid that went to jail for trying to traffic kids out of there? This is who they are folks. Pure evil. Now they’re in major cover up mode, telling in itself.
Then there’s the UFC, going the way of Clownworld. Maybe I’m overreacting, time will tell. But I go into some detail about the history & their deal with ESPN & could that potentially indicate they’re now controlled. I think so, so we’ll see how long they’re allowed to represent traditional America & if they eventually fold to the woke outrage mob.
I hope everyone is enjoying this fantastic weather. The maniacs have grounded the #chemtrail planes while they try to #psyop us into believing the world is on fire so we need to destroy #westerncivilization & all go live in huts & eat bugs. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤡
#donotcomply #mindcontrol #mkultra #1984 #freedom #americafirst #usa #mauimassacre

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