Evolution of Balrog Turn Punch Attacks

1 year ago

Balrog's Turn Punch is a distinctive and powerful special move that is part of his moveset in the "Street Fighter" series. Balrog, also known as M. Bison in some regions, is a brutal and aggressive boxer character, and the Turn Punch perfectly complements his aggressive playstyle. Here's a description of Balrog's Turn Punch:

**Turn Punch:**
Balrog's Turn Punch is a charge-based special move that showcases his boxing prowess and raw strength. To execute the Turn Punch, Balrog holds back on the directional input for a brief period to charge the move, then quickly presses forward along with a punch button. The longer the move is charged, the stronger and more devastating the attack becomes.

As Balrog charges the Turn Punch, you can see him winding up with a fierce expression, ready to unleash a powerful blow. Once released, Balrog propels himself forward in a linear motion with incredible speed, his arm extended and his fist aimed directly at his opponent. The move is characterized by the momentum generated from the charge, resulting in Balrog's swift advance across the screen.

The key mechanic of the Turn Punch is its charging time. The longer you charge the move, the greater its damage and the further Balrog will travel during the attack. This charging mechanic makes the Turn Punch a unique tool for surprise attacks, mix-ups, and punishing opponents who leave themselves vulnerable.

The Turn Punch is often used to punish opponents' mistakes or to catch them off-guard with its sudden and powerful approach. Its ability to go through certain projectiles and its potential for damage make it a threatening tool in Balrog's arsenal. However, the trade-off is that you need to manage Balrog's charge time carefully, as charging for too long can leave you susceptible to your opponent's attacks.

In essence, Balrog's Turn Punch is a move that embodies his ferocious boxing style, emphasizing his brute strength and aggressive nature. Successfully landing a fully charged Turn Punch can turn the tide of a match and leave a lasting impact on both the opponent and spectators.
Evolution of Balrog Turn Punch Attacks
On Fighting Attacks Evolution, you will watch many different special attacks, super moves, critical arts, finishers, ultimate skills, super combos and more. Besides the evolution of your favorite characters among the years, how their attack changed and many more stuff related to the fighting games world and all, thanks for watching! :)

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