1 year ago

The technology at the South Pole Station certainly can do what it is presented as its primary purposes and unfortunately much more. The Ice Cube neutrino detector is presented as a passive listening device for the purposes of the science as presented, but I’m gonna skip right through the Chase folks.

Uh, I have provided documentation that proves that the 5,160, what they call doms, that are embedded in the ice, can actually transmit at 2047 volts each. That gives us a long list of things to consider. It is effectively a multifaceted directed energy weapons platform that I will, uh, list rapidly a few things that it can do. Vehicle detection. We’re learning that these off world craft on world craft, ours or other nations are also emitting neutrinos.

So this makes the South Pole Station effectively an air traffic control station for this new level of equipment that nobody’s discussing. In addition to the ability to detect neutrinos and the exotic vehicles, I provided documentation that shows that this is also a system for faster than light communications. In the past, Gary McKinnon has hacked, NASA found the off world fleet, the list of captains, and it’s apparent that if we have faster than light vehicles moving throughout the system, we’re gonna need faster than light communications.

This is that facility.

Unfortunately, I have other bad news. The season that I was there, 2010 to 2011, we converted from, uh, construction to operations and maintenance in both the elevated station and the detector array. Unfortunately, when they first fired it up, that was when we had the earthquakes in Christchurch, New Zealand. There was two incidental shots before they were able to target it correctly. This is an earthquake generating device as well. This is the weapons of war that we have to deal with now, and what Raytheon’s hiding.

There’s an e l F system at the South Pole Station that when I was arrived, I was told it was off dismantled and completely defunct in my work. I’ll rapidly just tell you I had to figure out the circuitry for certain other repairs and I found that this system is in fact completely energized up and running and being utilized with the other systems for nefarious purposes as well. The

Atmospheric Research Observatory is, uh, in what we call the clean air sector. I witnessed myself a very powerful green laser shooting out of the top of this facility into the cosmos.

This, I believe, is a secondary form of long range communications and or a defense system. I am not saying that we need to be scared of anything that’s out there, but please understand the military industrial complex is happy to invest all of your money in alleviating their fears.

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