
1 year ago

This is seriously a issue less you want to loose your area especially when you can’t afford to move & possibly lose your life you better keep a watch off your phone & paying attention to what’s going on💯 night & day!! The only thing I am not completely sure on is why! I assume what adds up 🆙 but what I do know forsure is these things ain’t normal! They been openly manipulating the weather which I’m sure we can tell!! But for evidence get on & watch the flight logs & its showing the weather manipulation patterns all thru the sky!! So y not set fires to!! They wrong! They will answer to the LORD!! In the meantime we must be vigilant & keep watching!!where i been living people been getting robbed & shot for a pair of shoes 5 dollars 20 dollars etc meaning no one got no money to leave 20-30 $$$ worth of gas ⛽️ just sitting in random abandoned garages in my backyard! When I tell you it’s a poorer & bad area right now I mean it so to find this gas in 3 different garages that are empty with trash & people stay in them! This ain’t normal!! #BeAware #beawareofyoursurroundings #watch #WatchNow #WatchEveryone #watchEverything #WatchEverywhere #keepaneyeout #watchAllPeople #watchDrones #getoffyourphone & #PayAttention #FIRES #FIREKILLS #FIREDESTROYS #canadafires #canadafiresmoke #britishcolombiafires #washingtonstatefires #WashingtonFires #RandomFires #WeirdFires #wildfires #areTheyAllwildfires #didNatureStartFires or #DidPeopleStartFires #vehicleFires #badInOhio #VehicleFiresOhio #vehiclescatchingfire #TrucksCatchingFire #RandomVehicleFires #WhatsReallyGoingOn #trashcanfires #TrashFires #dumpsterFires #TrashfiresColumbus #trashfiresOhio occupied land by the public that’s caught on fire 🔥🔥🔥becomes empty land new beginnings for people who have something to gain!! There been so many trash fires under a mile from my house even!! #GarageFires #businessFires Building Fires #randomlyCaughtOnFire #fireseverywhere #fireNotOrganic #RandomBusinessFires #HawiiFires #MauiFires #NevadaFires #californiafires #southAmericaFires #ColumbusFires #FiresAroundTheWorld #FiresEverywhere #GODAintSettingTheseFires #ManMadeFires #ManMadeForestFires #ManMadeWildFires #fireeverywhere #FireDestroysLives #plannedFires #WatchAndPray #SmokeyTheBearAintSavingUs #YAHSAVES YAHUSHUA SAVES US!!

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