Post Game: The Warski Strike Stream. Halsey English v. Mark Collett (3-1-18)

1 year ago

Comments on Youtube:

Mark Collett is the best debater yet, as far as the Alt-Right goes. Seriously, Mark had a brilliant approach addressing these topics. Patrick Slattery was also impressive, he seems to hold a wealth of information (a real intellectual... not sure why he doesn’t have a larger audience). Anyway, sucks Striker wasn’t able to participate, I love that man.

Also, I hadn't heard much of Patrick Slattery, and I thought he was exceedingly well-versed. I guess he's buddies with Duke, which probably makes him a marginal figure... but honestly I'm so disgusted at this point with what passes for elite/upper-class insights into American politics, that a voice like Slattery's sounds very solid to me.

For an example of what I'm talking about, check out Sam Harris's latest podcast with Preet Bharata... so vapid.

Yet Harris has all kinds of "social status." But I mean, it is probably not necessary for you to watch the whole thing... I should probably stop watching too.

I do think that it's important to *try* to bring this conversation into the mainstream, because if it stays suppressed, it's likely to explode into a disaster, one way or another -- either whites seriously marginalized in their own countries, or Jews targeted in a reactionary/violent phase.

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