I have decided to follow Jesus song by E-Rod.

1 year ago

Do you admit that you are a GUILTY sinner, under the condemnation of God's LAW, deserving of Hellfire?
Do you believe that Jesus is the Son of God (God in the flesh) who died upon the cross, sacrificing His precious blood to pay for your sins? Do you believe that Jesus was buried and bodily resurrected three days later? This is the Good News of the Gospel... Jesus DIED ON THE CROSS, He was BURIED and He is RISEN! Believe it friend, make it your only hope for eternal life, and you are saved!!! Amen!

To be saved you simply come to God by faith, as a guilty sinner, and BELIEVE the Gospel.

But if you'd like to pray as an expression of your faith, you could pray something like this. ...

Dear Jesus,
I admit that I am a sinner deserving of Hell. I am guilty for breaking your holy commandments. I believe that you died on the cross to pay for my sins, were buried, and bodily resurrected three days later. Please forgive me of my sins and take me to Heaven when I die. I now believe upon You alone, apart from all self-righteous works and religion, as my personal Savior. Thank you. Amen.

I have decided to follow Jesus;
I have decided to follow Jesus;
I have decided to follow Jesus;
No turning back, no turning back.
2. Tho' none go with me, I still will follow,
Tho' none go with me I still will follow,
Tho' none go with me, I still will follow;
No turning back, no turning back.
3. My cross I'll carry, till I see Jesus;
My cross I'll carry till I see Jesus,
My cross I'll carry till I see Jesus;
No turning back, No turning back.
4. The world behind me, the cross before me,
The world behind me, the cross before me;
The world behind me, the cross before me;
No turning back, no turning back.

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