Street Food in Lebanon - ULTIMATE 14-HOUR Lebanese Food Tour in Beirut!

1 year ago

Welcome to the Lebanese street food tour of Beirut. It was a full 14 hour day of eating incredibly delicious, and some of the most legendary street food shops in Beirut! #Lebanon #Beirut #LebaneseFood #streetfood

Thank you to USAID - My visit to Lebanon was supported by the USAID Lebanon Enterprise Development Project.

Friends in the video:
Thanks to Ibrahim Osta (Director Middle East & North Africa, Chemonics International):
Fadi Abu Jaber:

Here are the restaurants and stalls we ate at during this Lebanese street food tour:

Hajj Nasr Sandwich Shop - By 6 am, when Beirut is about to wake up, Hajj Nasr is getting ready to close. We arrived at 5 am to make sure he still had food. The tebleh nayyeh - Raw meat, garlic, tomatoes, mint, and the soujouk - soujouk sausage, garlic, tomatoes, pickles - sandwiches were incredible. Total price - 15,000 LBP ($9.95)

Faysal Snack ( - Great Lebanese pastries and breads. We ordered the halloumi loaf, plus some Man'ousheh (Manakish) topped with za'atar, and some spinach pastries. 19,000 LBP ($12.60) - Total price for everything

Hanna Mitri ( - If you mention ice cream in Beirut, this is the place that everyone knows and everyone loves - it’s a Lebanese ice cream icon, and it’s uniquely delicious from any other ice cream I’ve had in the world. It’s special without a doubt.

Al Soussi Restaurant ( - This is one of the most famous restaurants in Beirut, especially for breakfast. Their fattey and hummus is good, but nothing compares to their awarma and eggs.

Falafel Tabbara ( - Unique falafel - His falafel are made purely with fava beans, in a donut shape. 2,500 LBP ($1.66) - Price per sandwich.

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