Facts about slavery, well sort of.

1 year ago

Facts about slavery being colour blind.
Because Americans can't be shown that Britain wasn't the tyrants, the video says America did the most to end the trade.
2 minutes research will show that Britain banned the trade in 1772 then starting in 1807 sent a fleet of warships to intercept slave ships and rescue the slaves. 20000 British men died saving these souls over 50 years, then America ended the trade in there civil war.
Africans were raiding Europe since 1400 to capture white slaves for Africa. MILLIONS were captured from England and Europe. NONE survived like in America. All men were castrated at capture, all women sold as sex dolls.
Reparations anybody?

Facts that will make a billion people happier(when they accept it)

The Irish are another victim population that blame England for their lives. When they find out about Dublin being the biggest slave market in the world for 400 years which specialized in English slaves they might finally get over the DIVIDE AND CONQUER LIES

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