Kitten adorably cuddles with doggy

7 years ago

Everyone knows that cats and dogs are not exactly the most fond of one another. Well this isn't exactly the case with this video. Who would've known that these two polar opposites could be so loving and affectionate to one another? Chaos the dog enjoys some down time while Kit the kitten gives him a loving hug. You can definitely tell that these two are just the best of friends!

Regardless of if you are a dog or cat lover, both sides can agree that this is one of the most adorable things that you will see today. They are sort of like the Capulets and the Montagues of animal species. Star-crossed animals that just want to be best friends. You can bet that this has a happier ending than the age old Shakespearean play!

Wouldn't it just be awesome to join them in their cuddle session? To get your daily dose of adorableness, be sure to visit, your hub for adorable pet videos and viral videos alike.

Check out this adorable cuddle session shared between a cat and a dog.

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