The dynamic duo of climate grifting, Al Gore and John Kerry,

1 year ago

predicting that the polar ice caps would be gone by 2014.
How many times in succession do the climate apocalypse-mongers have to be wrong before people realize that they're deliberately trying to frighten everyone, in order to advance various globalist political agendas?
None of it has anything to do with the climate, or "saving the planet", and everything to do with wielding totalitarian control over every aspect of your life.
About the photo:
Over 41,000 Extra Deaths Now Registered in England and Wales in 2023 vs 2019 - Per ONS - Data includes Week 1 to 31 (week ending 4th August 2023)
Almost 200 extra people dying per day.
Over 200 extra people under the age of 64 years now dying per week
Over 1,300 extra deaths in the last 2 weeks (2023 vs 2019)
Table shows extra deaths by age group
Link to ONS Data:
Data released 15th August 2023
Link to totals at week 29 :

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