They reckon I suffer from multiple mental health problems. I feel I was right 14/5/2020. Predicted

1 year ago

It went for longer and I start with every cxxts on hitlers meth in australia and cooked operation paper clip wankers. It’s been cut and edited to just that shit. But people take you out of context on social media and I am banned on all social media platforms. For going hard since 2015 when Human Resources division at work left me and retired with severe disabling pain from multiple sclerosis.

Been targeted by many idiots thinking I want to rule Melbourne and just want to be a free human and not a serfdom slave to usury mayhem.

I am actually mentally stable and was still suffering from australia 2019 wild fires . Direct energy weapon abuse and just angry my family and even wife at time couldn’t see government lies. Thinking I am crazy and with the great awaken since been good.

But you really need to be a free human. But I am controlled by a shithouse pensions and mind abuse from hospital were I seek treatment for my brain disease.

But I am ragnar lothbroth 32nd great great grandson and Ivor the boneless suffered a form of it. But my fathers got it come on after 5 vaccines and mine come on from child vaccines and being a plumber for 15 yrs.

PHD minded people are just manipulative humans who buy into vaccines and don’t call out government abuse.

At least I have a big rant and went viral on Instagram in one day and got shut down page. Grew 5000 followers on Instagram in few hours. Then gets edited. The full rant got lost on a old iPhone. That’s me after mine abuse fat and over government abuse at 124kgs and now I beet a Root and made a Scottish Campbells bloodline I am soup. Through my mothers biological mum. Seriously beetroot organic & carrots with few other things. Good milk thistle and other mushroom and herbalist program. 6 months and can’t move much of me muscles being in a painful multiple sclerosis state.

I have lost over 104kgs in me life. Why ? Fucking being a wise cxxt and suffering from emotional eating like many cxxts. But I always lose weight. 3 times. People don’t have my will power and brain strength and wisdom.

Not being egotistical. Just being the truther Bennybigballs of Australia. Rebecca Balls my 3x great great grandmother on ancestry dot com.

Annunaki pavey aka bastard de worsley malebloodline from WW2 Jack Pavey aka worsley being the son of a worlsey WW1 dead soldier. Him being born 1914. Never having a father at birth and no name on birth certificate. Besides marriage certificate and navy merchant joining in 1930 at 16 yrs old. Joke history and mums a adopted McKenna Northern Ireland bloodline and Campbell biological mother. But through McKenna I am “saunders” , Mills, oliver. My great grandmothers a Hanmer welsh through fathers mum. Allen bloodline through fathers mum. So I am just over all cxxts in my bloodline sucking off babylonian death cult I have traced to and maxxed out to Adam and Eve on ancestry dot com. Plus traced to titans ending in Greek zeus bloodline they hide history at vatican library.

Traced and stopped at druids and picts. Traced to me Huns/Han dynasty bloodlines. That marry into Chinese royal bloodlines.

Royal Israelite bloodlines Ha-David BC. Maxxed out there.

Cxxts think I am just a meth head maniac and forget what I am saying. Few get it and realise what I am about. But when you see this pop up pre social media letting it stay up heaps comments. Was just pro vaccine and covid bed wetters thinking I am mad ? They look cognitive dissonance foolish Cesar salad tossers these days. Mud on their face and big disgrace.

Put on 50kgs from being triage wrong and been locked in a Pward in 2020 christmas the tip rat cxxts. Had a MS hug come on from back lesions and they court me into that ward and lock me in.

Was a virtue meeting 3 satanic ritual abused from children homosapiens and just yelling out ya a bunch of Allen Institute abusive no ultra maniacs. With all these simpletons not knowing what his on about.

Joke this world and even a fellow cousin in WA got Pward by his pharmacist wife. Due to being anti vaccine. Joke what stress the put us through and watching family get vaccines.

Anti Freemason part australia and union of truthers Australia will stop these lunatics mind abuseS.

Killing off and adverse reactions to so many homosapiens I get sick thinking about the genocide.

Bring back the biff is back to future statement and also to fight back against Nimrod ben Cush tower Babel rulers. Biff the cxxts and then Melbourne australia trashed the builders union office CFMEU and then got rubber bullet many in 2021. I am in a electric wheelchair and can’t move around much on feet. Walk like Ivor the boneless. Me forefather on ancestry dot cum.

Below me kids name from first marriage around neck. Is a red belly black snake struggling a skull. As I know brotherhood of snakes rule us and struggle us to death.

So many simplified maniacs and lunatics. Heliocentric sweet puff spinners.

Many need flat earth Dave Weiss bar therapy.

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