Miko Peled son of a Isreali General. Truth about Palestine & Isreal from a General's son.

1 year ago

Born in Jerusalem in 1961, Peled grew up in Motza Illit to a prominent Zionist family; his grandfather, Avraham Katsnelson, signed Israel’s Declaration of Independence.[1][3] His father, Mattityahu Peled, fought in the 1948 Arab–Israeli War, and served as a general in the Six-Day War of 1967; later, after the Israeli cabinet ignored his investigation of a 1967 alleged Israeli war crime, he became an advocate for an Israeli dialogue with the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). He condemned the Israeli military for seizing the West Bank, Gaza, Sinai and the Golan Heights, calling the war a "cynical campaign of territorial expansion" Please listen from the horse's mouth so to speak, Miko lived this realization and had conscious and courage to speak Truth with Love. I hope Mr. Kennedy watches this and will speak to Miko.

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