....Weekly Garden Update....20/08/23

1 year ago

....more of a Whisky Bar update this week as we've been working on the caravan we are going to run the Whisky Bar out of at the Horsedrawn Camp next weekend....there isn't loads going on in the garden at the moment, we are getting a lot of produce and not having to do much work....this is the payback time for all the hard work we put in earlier in the year....so I start in the caravan that we have been sorting out, painted inside and out, replaced some cupboards that had been removed, made a permanent bed base and modified the bar shelf that we've used in the past on the old Bedford campervan we used to use for the Bar, as the camper is up for sale....also had to sort the tarp put to fit the caravan too....but it all seems cool now.
....in the garden we are getting loads of tomatoes and potatoes, onions are all cropped, kale, chard and tree spinach are all doing amazingly well, but the brassicas have all been a dismal failure 😂🤣....still, can't win them all, right?...might not bother doing cauliflower, sprouts etc next year, seems like more trouble than they are worth...peppers and chillies are doing really well in the big greenhouse, still got loads of tomatoes in the little greenhouse and the main crop spuds are doing very nicely too, and we are having a bumper crop of plums too....salads doing ok in the bed between the vans and the parsnips and leeks are thriving too....there probably won't be an update next week as we will be away at the Horsedrawn Camp selling whisky, playing music and having a little dance....

Music this week:-

Love Henry by Oxn
Barrow Sleeper by Galdorcraeft

Thanx for tuning in again folks....💚

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