One eyed Zionist monsters and Freemasons can go to hell you cheap Arse soul sellers think u enlighte

1 year ago

These Trumps and KGB Tartarian mud flood idiots. I believe in fossilised trees and ancient big animals you see. But not sum 1600’s-1800’s tartarian mind pysop. Is Bullshitery and believe in Tesla hidden tech and trumps uncle stealing the tech for deep state and not being a good homosapien trump. Got bailed out by banks in Atlantic city casinos in early 1900’s and sold his soul and owned control op. Like Putin in Russia KGB still has Russian Freemason lodges and never kicked them out during war games to depopulation on my cousins on both sides. Being king of Kiev 1000Ad grandson bloodline and saint Olga of Kiev’s grandson. Disgrace these in holy wars. Bolsheviks / Vladimir Lenin’s/ karl marxist manifesto is a disgrace. Which Vladimir Putin’s in love with. His own country revolution against the Romanov’s royal cousins of mine. Was due to depopulation wars. His doing the same and think BRICS with China digital currency and digital state facial recognition camera orwellian state of mind will save humanity is a bloody joke. No one follows history. These idiots are all in each other’s pants tossing each other off. Hope the whole world wakes up to history.

I am male de worsley bloodline and know history better than Juicy Lucy worsley on BBC. What a royal sellout. She is and many cousins. Lucky I have “Bigballs” tattoo on me back. Due to the fact “Rebecca Balls” is my 3rd great grandmother on ancestry dot com. Roots like a tree mean something.
Anti Freemason australia party will happen and we will win the minds of humanity away from Babylonian death cult and back to Zeus & Atlas Greek mythology bloodlines. I hate Alexander library burnt down by Roman Empire and Babylonian ancestry stopping at Adam & Steve jobs. Disgrace the homosapien race being suppressed for many centuries. Not for long you full of bullshitery and abusive Freemason duke of kent and royal Freemason families.

I am chief clan leader of “de worsley” house and “Allen” house from fathers parents and mothers “Campbell” house chief clan leader through her biological mum and “McKenna” through her biological father.

Due to the fact all are asleep and I am a real mother clucker warrior gene. Like “Elizeus de workesley” William conquerers mate from Normandy viking bloodline I carry.

Pissant gangsters in australia and worldwide are on notice and Roman around Jesuits pricks are on notice you mind whorish toothpicks. Blowing up titanic and killing my uncle George William mackie at 35yrs old and leaving behind two daughters and son. Alfred John Alexander podesta survives.

Rise up homosapiens and take back ya rights to live in utopia and nirvana. Reason I am multifaith and a Mamluk warrior. But practice Buddhism.
Royal commission into Australias Covid 19 pestilence roll out. 33000 more Australians dead than average death rates pre covid 19. Last year and getting more each year. Piss ants killing off homosapiens and thinking you are the most enlightened pay packet whorish devils many. Even monash mental health departments and Australia wide departments locking truthers away in pwards for chasing truth. Saying we are psychotic homosapiens is falsehoods. Like the moon landing 50years ago and the new mission will be a Steven Spielberg production and not a Stanley kubric one.

Who’s the jokers ? Anti Freemason australia party will win and save the status quo. No we need a anti Freemason parties in each country in western countries run by homosapiens into freedom.

Godbless the Anti Freemason revolution

Love Bennybigballs aka Ben William de worsley aka Ben William Pavey. O negative Rhesus factor warrior and ready to slay the vampires sucking our bloodlines to death. Holy war and 11th crusade against Baphomet unholy spirits

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